Omega Lutra yeast? - Homebrew Talk
Sep 8, 2020 · I second this. The whole point of Lutra is that it’s “shockingly clean.” The whole point of intentionally underpitching is to the stress the yeast and encourage ester …
Non-Lager Styles with Lutra Kveik - Homebrew Talk
May 16, 2021 · The lutra was cold conditioning/serving 11 days for this pic. The kölsch had been conditioning 7 days. Also worth noting the lutra went 4 points lower in attenuation. The Lutra is …
Dried Lutra Kviek - Homebrew Talk
Dec 22, 2021 · I used Dried Lutra Kviek yeast in an 5 gallon extract IPA recipe that I had done a couple of times before. I wanted to try it due to being able to ferment it at a room temperature …
General Attenuation Question: Lutra Kviek - Homebrew Talk
Jun 3, 2020 · I've used Lutra Kviek about 4 times other than the beers below and I seemed to have hit my other FG numbers accurately. The last three batches I've made using using Lutra …
Lutra grain to glass - Homebrew Talk
Oct 27, 2022 · My gut tells me that Lutra can shave 2-3 days off my usual process, which is usually one week to ferment and one week to condition (sometimes 2 weeks to condition) . But …
Omega Lutra yeast? | Page 6 - Page 6 | Homebrew Talk
Jul 15, 2020 · However, I have to say that I may actually prefer the Lutra Oktoberfest--the keg emptied in record time in our house. I will absolutely use this yeast again. While 34/70 can be …
Harvesting dry yeast (Lutra) - Is it worth it? - Homebrew Talk
Oct 31, 2022 · With beasts like Lutra, you won't even need a starter unless you're making a really big beer. I just direct pitched a pint I harvested in August of Lutra slurry I warmed up to room …
Lutra Kveik and Diacetyl - Homebrew Talk
Dec 24, 2021 · So I am a newer homebrewer. I don't have temp control and have been really excited about Kviek yeasts for this reason. I have used Voss on a Black IPA and an Amber ale …
Can Lutra actually be such a BEAST? - Homebrew Talk
Sep 27, 2021 · I brewed a stout using Omega Yeast Lutra kveik. Let's go. Lutra® Kveik OG was 1075 and after 24 hours at 30°C (about 86°F), it reached 1027, making the beer about 6,3 %. …
Omega Lutra yeast? | Page 3 - Page 3 | Homebrew Talk
Oct 14, 2020 · One batch with Omega Voss, the other Omega Lutra. Both were done fermenting within a week, even kept at lows 70s. Both also tasted great (neither lasted long!) Preferred …