Loom.ai Joins Roblox
We are excited and proud to announce that the Roblox Corporation is acquiring Loom.ai. Our team will be joining Roblox's vision to bring the world together through play by bringing real-time and real-life emotions to the Roblox metaverse.
Real-time 3D Avatars for Enterprise | Loom.ai
Loom.ai animation solutions run in real time, utilizing Voice, Video, or Text. Deep Learning Real-time deep learning algorithms provides the most robust and scalable solutions.
Pricing - Loom.ai
Need personalized 3D avatars or stickers? Get the features you need from Loom.ai. Test the technology with our free trial, then pick the tier that best serves your needs.
Welcome | Loomie Apps
Welcome to Loom.ai's app documentation. Next Introduction. Last updated 4 years ago. Was this helpful? Please read through the documentation. If you have further problems, contact us via our Support. Overview of Apps. Loom.ai has the following applications - LoomieLive and Loomie.
Get interactive with the LoomieLive WebCam | Loom.ai
Improving Video Communication, through Avatars. LoomieLive reduces video conference fatigue, improves background privacy, adds personalization for individuals, and allows teams to have shared 3D themes.
Avatars, Backgrounds, Reactions | Loomie Apps
Other settings include: 60FPS: choose to make smoother animation.Default is 30 FPS. (Choosing this will increase the load on your CPU) Auto-Detect Laughter: Automatically press the "Laugh" reaction button when laughter is detected in your voice.This is an …
VideoConferencing | Loomie Apps
Below are general instructions for how to use LoomieLive in your video conferencing app. It solves critical videoconferencing issues, such as privacy, fatigue, and gaze correction.
Installation and Setup | Loomie Apps
Thanks to your feedback, we are creating new builds daily. This documentation is based on our 2.1.64 (MacOS and Windows 10) builds.
FAQ / Troubleshooting | Loomie Apps
Is this safe to install on Windows? Why isn't it working with Zoom on my Mac? Why is it showing a black frame on Windows? Why is the camera not showing in MSTeams?
Unity Tutorial | Loomie™ 3D Avatar Platform
© 2020 Loom.ai The Voice2Animation SDK allows to animate 3D characters inside Unity through text input or voice recordings. The characters need to conform with the Loom Facial Rig Specification which is an FACS-style rig similar to what is used in Apple's ARKit.