Home - FMSLogo
FMSLogo is a free implementation of a computing environment called Logo, which is an interactive programming language that is simple, powerful, and best of all fun. You can …
History - FMSLogo
Throughout the 1980s, as computers became more affordable, Logo was integrated into the curriculum of many schools. This led to a proliferation of different Logo software packages, …
Links - FMSLogo
The Logo Workshop - A short lesson plan for introducing FMSLogo to children K-5. I used this Web site to run computer workshops at my local Boys and Girls Club. The FMSLogo Manual - …
FMSLogo 8.4.0
Why Logo? Where to Start 1. Installing 2. Command Line Options Configuring the FMSLogo shortcut Invoking and Exiting FMSLogo 3. Editor Editor Menu File Menu Edit Menu Search …
Logo Workshop Homepage
The Logo Workshop is designed to teach kids the basics of computer programming through a series of hands-on activities using a language called Logo. Logo is an interactive programming …
Lesson 1: Getting Started with Turtle Graphics - FMSLogo
If you get stuck, you can use the sample programs below for ideas. But don't limit yourself to them. Explore what Logo can do and have fun! When you're done, you can save your program …
Where to Start - FMSLogo
Novices can start in Logo without having to program at all by just learning how to command the turtle. Learning turtle graphics teaches the user about geometry. It's amazing how soon you …
Using Color - FMSLogo
Several commands (SETPENCOLOR, SETFLOODCOLOR, SETSCREENCOLOR) exist in Logo to specify red, green, and blue intensities of color. Each input represents how much red, …
Chapter 20. Windows Commands - FMSLogo
This chapter describes how to create Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) in FMSLogo. The term "window" is very broad and includes simple windows, push buttons, dialog boxes, list boxes, …
Chapter 2. Command Line Options - FMSLogo
Your Logo programs can get the width and height of the screen window by running ITEM 14 MACHINE and ITEM 15 MACHINE, respectively. Similarly, ITEM 3 MACHINE and ITEM 4 …