Wafer, Chocolate and Snack | Loacker
Welcome to the Loacker.com website! Discover our variety of Wafers, Chocolates and Snacks, products made with high quality and natural ingredients. Discover all flavors!
Wafer, Chocolate and Snack - Loacker
Welcome to the Loacker.com website! Discover our variety of Wafers, Chocolates and Snacks, products made with high quality and natural ingredients. Discover all flavors!
Our products - Loacker
Discover the wide range of our fragrant wafers and chocolate specialities: from the Classic flavors to Quadratini and Tortina, taste all the flavors for a unique indulgence! Visit our Loacker.com website!
Our history - Loacker
Discover how the Loacker family has established itself in the world of Wafers and Chocolate! Visit the website and discover the history of the Loacker Company.
World of wafers - Loacker
Discover the wide range of our fragrant wafers: from the Classic flavors to Gardena and Chocolat, taste all the flavors for a unique indulgence! Visit our Loacker.com website!
Company Information | Loacker
Would you like to learn more about the company and the plants of Loacker? Find useful information about our distributors, our branches and our certificates. Visit the website and discover more!
About us - Loacker
Loacker, in research for goodness and sustainability since 1925! Discover the origins of our ingredients and how our company came to be! Visit our website to learn more!
The Story of a Family | Loacker
Born in Bolzano in 1925, today the Loacker wafer is known all over the world! Visit the website and discover the history of the family and the Loacker company.
ウエハース、チョコレート、菓子 | ロアカー (ローカー)【Loacker】
Loacker.comへようこそ!ロアカーではウエハースやチョコレートなど数多くの美味しい製品を取り揃えています。上質で自然な原材料のみを使って作った私たちの製品を是非お楽しみください。 製品一覧はこちらから。
Chocolate - Loacker
Discover all the flavors of our delicious Chocolate: taste them all from the classic to the more special ones - for an unbeatable creaminess. Visit our Loacker.com website!