Some remarks on the taxonomy of Antarctic Leuconidae (Cumacea ...
Forty-one specimens ofLeucon intermedius n. sp. were collected at depths ranging from 109 to 791 m in the vicinity of the Amery Depression (Indian Sector) and near King George Island (South Shetland Islands).
SUMMARY: A new leuconid cumacean, Leucon (Crymoleucon) rossi n. sp., is described from depths of 84 to 458 m in the Ross Sea off the Victoria Land coast. Leucon rossi n. sp. is distinguished from ...
ABSTRACT: The newly described species Leucon intermedius n. sp. differs from other known Leucon species by an inconspicuous antennal notch and the presence of only a few teeth at the dorsomedian crest.
WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Leucon (Leucon)
Species Leucon (Leucon) andeep Mühlenhardt-Siegel, 2011; Species Leucon (Leucon) armatus Given, 1961; Species Leucon (Leucon) assimilis Sars, 1886; Species Leucon (Leucon) bengalensis Lomakina, 1967; Species Leucon (Leucon) echinolophotos Gerken, 2016; Species Leucon (Leucon) falcicosta Watling & McCann, 1996; Species Leucon (Leucon) fulvus ...
(PDF) New leuconids from the Gulf of Mexico (Crustacea: Cumacea ...
Dec 1, 2010 · Three new, and apparently closely related, species of cumacean are described from the continental slope off Surinam: Leucon turgidulus sp.nov. from about 500 m depth, L. medius sp.nov. from about ...
(PDF) Leuconidae (Crustacea: Cumacea) from the collections of the ...
Jan 21, 2016 · Leu-con (Leucon) echinolophotos n. Sp. is a new species from off Enderby Land, Antarctica. Keys to the Australian leuconid genera and species are included.
New and known species of the family Leuconidae(Cumacea
Dec 2, 2011 · Ten new leuconid species are described: eight species in the genus Leucon: L. (Crymoleucon) parantarcticus, L. (C.) weddellensis, L. (C.) longirhinus, L. (C.) grandidentatus, L. (Leucon) quattuormulierum, L. (L.) andeep, L. (Macrauloleucon) weigmanni and …
Leucon (Crymoleucon) rossi , a new species (Crustacea: Cumacea ...
Dec 30, 2008 · Se describe un nuevo cumáceo, Leucon (Crymoleucon) rossi n. sp., hallado entre los 84 y 458 m de profundidad en el mar de Ross, frente a la costa de la Tierra de Victoria.
Leuconidae (Crustacea: Cumacea) from the collections of the …
Jan 22, 2016 · The collections of the Museum Victoria have yielded six new leuconid species in five genera from Australian waters: Austroleucon adiazetos n. sp.,
Leucon sp. MTU 11 | Marine Fauna and Flora of the Falkland Islands
Sep 26, 2018 · Leucon sp. MTU 11 . Key Features . Carapace - Lightly textured carapace - Large pseudorosturm directed dorsally - Anterior dorsal margin with only two serrations. Pleonites - Telson reduced - Uropods subequal in length to peduncle - Exopods subequal in length to endopods . Taxonomy: