Kui (Chinese mythology) - Wikipedia
Classic texts use this name for the legendary musician Kui who invented music and dancing; for the one-legged mountain demon or rain-god Kui variously said to resemble a Chinese dragon, a drum, or a monkey with a human face; and for the Kuiniu wild yak or buffalo.
Exploring the Enigmatic Kui in Chinese Mythology
His legendary status is further embellished by tales of his fearsome form, often described as a kui cow or kui cattle, embodying the strength and perseverance of the land itself. Kui, in Chinese folklore, represents more than just a mythical beast; he is a symbol of the intricate relationship between the natural world and cultural expression.
夔牛是《山海经》中记载的神兽。 夔牛(kuí niú)夔状如牛,一只脚,头上没有角,青苍色。 有风雨,吼叫声如同雷鸣,且伴有日月般的光芒。 东海有座山,名叫 流波山.此山距海岸约三万五千米。 .山上有一种野兽,全身都是青苍色的,没有角,仅有一只蹄子,每次出现都会有狂风暴雨.它身上闪耀着光芒,似日月之光,它的吼声和雷声一样震耳.它叫夔牛。 后来黄帝得到了夔牛,用它的皮制成鼓,并用雷神的骨头做 鼓槌, [4] 敲击鼓,鼓声响彻一千千米,震慑敌人,威服天下 …
Kui Niu - chinese-folklore.com
The Kui is said to dwell on Liubo Mountain, located in the vast East China Sea, 7,000 miles from the coast. Descriptions of Kui in the Classic of Mountains and Seas depict it as a creature: Shape: Resembling a cow with a blue-hued body. Defining Features: …
Kui - Gods and Monsters
In the mystical realms of Chinese lore, discover the extraordinary Kui—a fusion of dragon and ox, a symbol of harmony and peace.
Kui (夔) - mythologicalchineseanimals.blogspot.com
Apr 11, 2022 · There is a Liubo mountain in the 7,000 miles to the East Sea. On the mountain there is a beast, and its shape is like cow. It has a teal body, but no horns and with only one hoof. It will be accompanied by strong wind and heavy rain when entering the sea. The light this animal emits is like the sun and the moon, and its roar like thunder.
Kui - Monstropedia
Feb 22, 2010 · Classic texts use this name for the legendary musician Kui who invented music and dancing; for the one-legged mountain demon or rain-god Kui variously said to resemble a Chinese dragon, a drum, or a monkey with a human face; and for the Kuiniu wild yak or buffalo.
雷兽(Kui cattle),别名夔牛,是中国 上古神话 中的怪兽,有着雷电之力。 玉皇大帝 派九天玄女给黄帝送《兵书》,路过这棵大树时发现 常先 正在树底下睡觉。 再一看,知道他原来是为蒙鼓没适合的皮子而发愁。 她本想叫醒常先,但又一想自己不能随便和凡人说话,只好托梦给常先:说东海有个流坡山,山里有种怪兽,形状如牛,却没有长角,只有一只足;身子大得出奇,平时不太活动,但一出现,海洋上不是刮风便是下雨;两只眼睛射出的光芒,就像太阳和月亮一样;一怒 …
Category:Cattle in Chinese mythology - Wikipedia
Pages in category "Cattle in Chinese mythology" The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
Kui: The One-Legged Divine Ox that Brings Wind and Thunder
Kui is a mythical beast from Chinese legend, believed to have been the national music officer during the eras of Yao and Shun. By the time of the Shang and Western Zhou dynasties, Kui …