Kolattam - Wikipedia
Kolattam is an ancient folk dance practiced mainly in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. It is usually performed by women using two short wooden sticks, one in each hand. The dancers generally …
Kolattam: Indian Folk Dance - YouTube
Oct 19, 2017 · To learn classical music with a popular twist, sign up at https://indianraga.com/ragalabs/ To invite this group for a live concert, please visit …
Kolannalu - Wikipedia
Kolannalu or kolkolannalu (also named kolattam), 'stick dance', is one of the most popular dance narratives in the Southern part of India. It is a rural art usually performed during village festivals.
Kolattam: A Celebration of Rhythm, Unity, and Tradition
Jan 11, 2025 · Deriving its name from the Tamil words kol (stick) and attam (dance), Kolattam is a traditional art form that combines music, movement, and ritualistic devotion. Typically …
Feb 3, 2024 · This dance piece consist two South Indian folk dance. The first half is Kolattam and the second half is Oyilattam. Kolattam is an ancient village art. It cou...
Kolattam dance performance at Pongal Celebrations in Tamil ... - YouTube
Jan 23, 2019 · Pongal is one of the most popular harvest festivals of South India, mainly of Tamil Nadu. Pongal falls in the mid-January every year and marks the auspicious beginning of …
Kolaattam - Forms of Dances in Tamilnadu
Kolaattam dance is an ancient village folk art performed in the Tamil Nadu state of India. It is also called as Kolannalu or Kolkolannalu. This dance form is famous in all parts of Tamil Nadu. …
Kolattam- Stick Dance of Andhra Pradesh - Auchitya
Kolattam dance originated in the regions of Macherla, Ramappa, Hampi, Mahabalipuram, and Tripathi. It is also called Kolannalu dance. The main prop used in this dance is a stick.
Kolattam Dance - दृष्टि आईएएस
Kolattam is a folk dance from the states of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. It is part of a religious offering, where women dancers pay homage to the temple Goddess in many regions …
Kolattam - Art of Tamil Nadu - dance of Tamil Nadu - bommalattam - kolattam
Kolattam, derived from Kol( a small stick), and Attam (play) is the name of a charming Tamil dance practiced by groups of young girls. A festival connected with this art has both a cultural …