Kashyyyk | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Kashyyyk, also known as Planet Wookiee C to some humans in the Core Worlds, was a wroshyr tree -covered forest planet located in the southwestern quadrant of the galaxy and the homeworld of the Wookiee species.
Kashyk - Memory Alpha | Fandom
Kashyk was a Devore inspector and a member of the Devore Imperium in the 2370s. The Devore considered telepaths a danger to the Imperium because of their ability to read minds. Kashyk considered all strangers and vessels in Devore space to be suspect and subject to search.
Kashyyyk | Star Wars Databank | StarWars.com
Kashyyyk is the Wookiee homeworld, covered in dense forest. While Wookiees build their homes in the planet's trees, they are not a primitive species, and Kashyyyk architecture incorporates sophisticated technology.
Battle of Kashyyyk | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Battle of Kashyyyk, also known as the invasion of Kashyyyk, defense of Kashyyyk, or the Kashyyyk campaign, was one of the final engagements fought during the Clone Wars in 19 BBY on the planet Kashyyyk, as part of an offensive launched by the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the Outer Rim Territories.
Kashyyyk - Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order Guide - IGN
Nov 19, 2019 · Kashyyk is no stranger to the Star Wars universe - it is the home of the Wookies, and has been featured in Star Wars media. During the Clone Wars, the Wookies rebelled against...
Counterpoint (Star Trek: Voyager) - Wikipedia
As Voyager continues, they are continually stopped by Devore ships, led by inspector Kashyk, demanding to inspect the ship for telepaths. Kashyk, who is fascinated by human culture, takes a very forward approach, taking control of the ship and playing Mahler 's …
Kashyyyk | Disney Wiki | Fandom
Kashyyyk (occasionally spelled Kashyk) is a jungle planet and the home of the Wookiee race and Chewbacca. It is a planet of the Republic but the Confederacy of Independent Systems launched an attack on the planet.
Kashyk | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom
Kashyk was a Devore male in the 24th century, who was a Devore Inspector in the Devore Imperium. (VOY episode: "Counterpoint") In 2375, the Federation starship USS Voyager entered Devore space on its way from the Delta to the Alpha Quadrant.
Wookiee - Wikipedia
Wookiees (/ ˈwʊkiːz /) are fictional humanoid aliens in the Star Wars universe, native to the forest planet Kashyyyk. They are distinguished from humans by their gigantism, hirsutism, and physical strength. The most prominent Wookiee in the films is Chewbacca, the co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon, and best friend to Han Solo.
Kashyyyk | Jedipedia | Fandom
Kashyyyk ist ein im Mytaranor-Sektor im Mittleren Rand liegender Planet. Beheimatet wird der zum Großteil mit Wäldern bedeckte Planet neben zahlreichen Tier und Pflanzenarten von den Wookiees. Die Stadt Kachirho liegt an einem Ozean.
Kashyyyk | Wookieepedia | Fandom
Kashyyyk (see pronunciation), also known as Wookiee Planet C, Edean, G5-623, and Wookiee World, was a Mid Rim planet. It was the lush, wroshyr tree -filled homeworld of the Wookiees. It was a member of the Galactic Republic, endured enslavement under the Galactic Empire, and later joined the New Republic. "This place is wild and untamed.
Kashyyyk - Star Wars One Canon
Kashyyyk was a planet located in the Mytaranor sector of the Mid Rim. It was the homeworld of the Wookiee species. Around 36,435 BBY, a Tho Yor visited Kashyyyk and picked up a group of Wookiees, delivering them to Tython. The Wookiee settlers later moved from Tython and settled the nearby planet of Ska Gora. [1] .
After 18 Years, Star Wars Can Finally Show The Tragic Fate Of One ...
Dec 27, 2023 · Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 3 can return to the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk and show its tragic fate during the dark reign of the Empire.
Liberation of Kashyyyk | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The liberation of Kashyyyk was a battle of the Galactic Civil War between the Imperial territory G5-623, a breakaway faction of the Galactic Empire and the forces of the New Republic. The battle resulted in the liberation of the Wookiees and their homeworld of Kashyyyk. "C'mon, Chewie. Set new coordinates. It's time to get you home."
Kashyyyk – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Portal „Den of Geek” umieścił Kashyyyk na 5. miejscu zestawienia Top 10 planet z uniwersum Gwiezdnych wojen, z kolei magazyn Arts et Médias sklasyfikował bitwę o Kashyyyk na 7. miejscu najbardziej pamiętnych bitew sagi, chwaląc w szczególności wodne, powietrzne i lądowe aspekty tej walki.. Francuski filozof Gilles Vervisch porównał planetę oraz jej lasy i drewniane chaty do ...
Kashyyyk | Heroes and Villains Wiki | Fandom
Kashyyyk, also known as Planet Wookiee C to some humans in the Core Worlds, is a planet featured in the Star Wars franchise, debuting in Revenge of the Sith. It was the homeworld of Chewbacca and his people, the Wookiees.
Kashyk | Memory Delta Wiki | Fandom
Kashyk is a Devore male in the 24th century, who was a Devore Inspector in the Devore Imperium. (VOY episode: " Counterpoint ") In 2375, the Federation starship USS Voyager entered Devore space on its way from the Delta to the Alpha Quadrant.
Occupation of Kashyyyk | Wookieepedia | Fandom
During its reign of the galaxy, the Galactic Empire conquered and brutally carried out an occupation of Kashyyyk, the homeworld of the Wookiees, who were enslaved and used as laborers. The occupation was resisted by the Wookiees with repeated uprisings, but resulted in vicious retaliation by the...
Kashyyyk — Wikipédia
Kashyyyk est une planète fictive de Star Wars.Située dans la Bordure médiane, elle orbite autour de l'étoile homonyme.Elle est principalement connue pour être la planète d'origine du personnage Chewbacca, célèbre membre de l'Alliance rebelle.. Malgré une faune et une flore peu accueillantes, elle est habitée par les wookiees, une espèce arboricole couverte de fourrure.
Kashyyyk | Star Wars Canon Wiki | Fandom
Kashyyykin the Mid Rim of the galaxy. It was covered in wroshyr trees and was the homeplanet of the Wookiee species. Star Wars: Galactic Defense Lethal Trackdown (Appears on poster only, spelled "Kashyk") Pursuit of Peace (Appears on billboard …
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