Jintan (Japanese medicine) - Wikipedia
Jintan (仁丹) is the trademarked name of a popular Japanese medicine/candy, developed by Morishita Hiroshi (1869–1943), and sold from the early twentieth century to today. Originally marketed as a cure-all for a number of ailments, Jintan …
Product Information - Morishita Jintan Co.,Ltd.
Company Information, IR Information, Product Introductions, Mail-order, Online Shop, etc. This is the official web site of Morishita Jintan Co., Ltd., a company manufacturing and selling pharmaceutical products, functional foods, dietary supplements and contract manufacturing of seamless capsules.
Healthcare Products - Morishita Jintan Co.,Ltd.
We proudly deliver high quality products of Morishita Jintan along with reliability to all our customers who wish to lead healthy daily lives.
Jintan (Japanese medicine) - WikiMD.com Medical Encyclopedia
Apr 12, 2024 · Jintan is a traditional Japanese medicine and health product that has been used in Japan for over a century. It is often categorized as a type of herbal medicine or supplement designed to improve digestion and freshen breath.
Noor Fitri - Google Scholar
Formulasi dan uji antioksidan serum wajah berbasis minyak jintan hitam (Nigella Sativa L.) menggunakan metode DPPH
Minyak jintan hitam dapat digunakan sebagai bahan aktif serum wajah untuk mencegah proses penuaan. Rumusan masalah yang akan diselesaikan adalah bagaimana formula yang optimal untuk serum wajah berbasis minyak jintan hitam.
Formulasi dan Uji Antioksidan Serum Wajah Berbasis Minyak Jintan …
Antioksidan alami dapat ditemukan pada tumbuhan, salah satunya pada minyak jintan hitam. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui formulasi serum antioksidan berbasis minyak jintan hitam (Nigella sativa L.) dan uji antioksidan menggunakan metode DPPH (2,2-difenil-1 …
JINTAN<<Japanese traditional medicine
Dec 2, 2023 · We are advancing the development of seamless capsule technology developed from the coating technology of "Jintan" for various applications, and the development of health foods and pharmaceuticals born from many years of crude drug research.
serum antiaging dari minyak jintan hitam (distilasi); pengujian serum antiaging meliputi uji hedonik, uji iritasi, dan uji aktivitas antioksidan. Hasil karakterisasi minyak jintan hitam
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