Dec 20, 1989 · Joint Publication (JP) 3-0 is the keystone document in the joint operations series, and is a companion to joint doctrine’s capstone JP 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the …
Judge Adam M. Swartz, JP 3-1 - Dallas County
JP 3-1 accepts filings in-person, by mail, or through electronic filing ONLY. Please refer to our “ E-Filing ” page for information on how to file electronically. Department E-mails: The following …
This publication provides joint doctrine for the planning, preparation, execution, and assessment of information operations across the range of military operations. 2. Purpose. This publication …
Military deception (MILDEC) is actions executed to deliberately mislead adversary military, paramilitary, or violent extremist organization decision makers, thereby causing the adversary …
SUMMARY OF CHANGES REVISION OF JOINT PUBLICATION 3-09.3 DATED 8 JULY 2009 • Changed Chapter I, Introduction, Organization, and Fundamentals, organization. • Added …
REVISION OF JOINT PUBLICATION 3-02, 18 JULY 2014 • Incorporates appropriate material from Joint Publication (JP) 3-04, Joint Shipboard Helicopter Operations, and JP 3-02.1, …
JP 3-05 - Special Operations - Joint Chiefs of Staff
: JP 3-05 - Special Operations Describes special operations and general guidance to employ and execute command and control of special operations forces and concepts, principles, …
JP 3-0 Joint Operations - Joint Chiefs of Staff
General overview of fundamental principles for joint operations and the application of operational art and design in the planning execution, and assessment of joint military operations. …
Joint Publication (JP) 3-0 is the keystone document in the joint operations series and is a companion to joint doctrine’s capstone JP 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United …
JP Precinct 3 | Smith County, TX
Judge Meredith was first elected to the Office of Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3 in 2002. Before becoming Justice of the Peace, he was an officer with the Tyler Police Department for …