ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number)
What is ISAN? ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number) is a voluntary numbering system and metadata schema for the unique and persistent identification of any audiovisual …
What is ISAN? – ISAN
ISAN (pronounced eye-san) is a global numbering system for AudioVisual content, a standard developed under the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). ISAN is a unique, …
How to register with ISAN?
The easiest way to register a work or a work in project/development with ISAN is to connect online to the ISAN registry interface and fill in the online registration form to obtain (almost) …
List of Supported Codes (schema 3.0) – ISAN - support.isan.org
The article outlines the lists of supported codes in the ISAN bulk excel form (isan3.0) and the ISAN API for the following data fields: ...
Who is using or supporting ISAN?
Public and private organizations worldwide use existing ISAN identifiers in their processes or workflows for managing audio-visual content or projects or rights, processing reports or …
What is the structure of ISAN? – ISAN
The structure of ISAN has been designed to meet the diverse needs of the entire audiovisual supply chain. The ISAN is comprised of three segments: the root, the episode and the version …
Records, relations and hierarchies in the ISAN Registry
In the ISAN registry, works are organized in 4 record types: Series, Group, Episode, Single. Each ISAN work record type has its own metadata schema. Series: Series are on the top of the …
ISAN Registration best practices
For a proper identification with ISAN and to facilitate the search and reuse of the ISAN by other stakeholders, descriptive metadata associated to a work must be of good quality and …
ISAN F.A.Q – ISAN - support.isan.org
Where can I use ISAN? What is ISAN? Who developed the ISAN? What is the structure of ISAN? What is the difference between an ISAN and a V-ISAN? What are the benefits of having …
ISAN API - Introduction
The ISAN Registry API is a collection of Rest web services for reading and writing information in the ISAN registry. The ISAN API enables a wide range of operations such as ISAN code …