Huaihua - Wikipedia
Huaihua (simplified Chinese: 怀化市; traditional Chinese: 懷化市; pinyin: Huáihuà Shì) is a prefecture-level city in the southwest of Hunan province, China.
Huaihua Hunan: The Most Multi-Ethnic City in Hunan
Jan 6, 2025 · Huaihua is the most-ethnic city in Hunan with 51 enhnic groups where visitors can experience various ethic festivals, customs, buildings and performances.
怀化市,别称“鹤城”,古称“鹤州”“五溪”, 湖南省 辖地级市, [1] 位于湖南省西部偏南,处于 武陵山脉 和 雪峰山脉 之间,地处北纬25°52′22″~29°01′25″,东经108°47′13″~111°06′30″之间,总面积27564平方千米。 [2] 怀化市地处 中亚热带 川鄂湘黔气候区和江南气候区的过渡部位, [3] 境内四季分明,严寒酷暑期短。 [4] 截至2023年底,怀化市辖13个县市区 (含1个管理区)和1个国家级高新区、1个国际陆港经济开发区, [1] [96] 市政府驻 鹤城区。 [54] 截至2023年末,怀化市常住 …
Huaihua – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Huaihua (怀化 Huáihuà) is in western Hunan, southwestern China. It is a prefecture-level city in a mountainous area with some rural poverty problems. The city has a population around 620,000, the prefecture as a whole has 5.2 million people (2017).
怀化市 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
怀化市,別称 鹤城 、 五溪,是 中华人民共和国 湖南省 下辖的 地级市,位于湖南省西部。 市境西北临 湘西州,东北抵 张家界市 、 常德市,东达 益阳市 、 娄底市 、 邵阳市,南界 广西壮族自治区 桂林市 、 柳州市,西毗 贵州省 黔东南州 、 铜仁市。 地处湘西山地与 云贵高原 过渡带,境内群山绵亘,西北为 武陵山脉,东部为 雪峰山脉。 沅江 自南往北贯穿市境,并与 渠水 、 巫水 、 㵲水 、 溆水 、 辰水 、 酉水 等支流汇合。 全市总面积27,573平方公里,常住总人口452.07 …
Overview of Huaihua - Huaihua
Jul 28, 2024 · Huaihua is a prefecture-level city in Hunan Province.
Approximately1.5 kilometers from the Luozishan Yao Ethnic Township, on the mountain ridgebehind Yuhuling Village stands an extraordinary sight: over 1,400 ancient pinetrees, each around 160 years old, stretching in a neat formation for more...
Things to Do in Huaihua in 2025 - Top Attractions, Local Food, …
Eager to explore Huaihua but not sure where to start? Trip.com's comprehensive guide is here to help you discover Huaihua. Find nearby restaurants, attractions, and entertainment with detailed info and accurate locations.
Huaihua Travel Guide, HuaihuaTours, Travel To Huaihua, Huaihua ...
Huaihua, located in the south-western part of hunan province, has a permanent population of 4.96 million (2017). With a total area of 27,564 square kilometers, it is the largest prefecture-level city in hunan province.
Huaihua Travel Guide: Discover Nature's Charm - Top China Guide
Immerse yourself in the enchanting city of Huaihua, where natural beauty meets cultural richness. Plan your visit to this captivating travel destination and explore the scenic wonders that await you.