Harpy - Monsters - D&D Beyond
It takes those pesky missile weapons and spells of the PCs out of the equation if the harpies sing from out of sight. Placing them in a series of caves or some natural acoustic amplifier might …
Harpy - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Harpies were notoriously malevolent and sadistic, taking enormous joy in hurting, torturing and killing their victims, and were always seeking more. They were fond of entrancing travelers …
Harpy Tactics - The Monsters Know What They’re Doing
Nov 17, 2016 · Today I examine the harpy, a foul-tempered predator with an alluring voice. As with all monstrosities, I’m going to assume that it uses its abilities to survive in accordance with …
Harpy (5e Race) - D&D Wiki
Similar to the Drow, Harpies are a primarily female run race. The men are there for fodder, as mates, and to look pretty in most harpies eyes. But their social construct is scattered, as they …
Harpy - d20srd.org
When a harpy sings, all creatures (other than harpies) within a 300-foot spread must succeed on a DC 16 Will save or become captivated. This is a sonic mind-affecting charm effect. A …
Harpy | D&D 5th Edition on Roll20 Compendium
Every humanoid and giant within 300 ft. of the harpy that can hear the song must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed until the song ends. The harpy must take a bonus …
Harpy - 5etools
Utterly nasty in temperament, harpies inhabit many of the islands in both the Stormwreck Sea and the Inner Sea, and dwell on high cliffs on the mainland of Ixalan. Their filthy bodies carry …
Harpy » Monster Stat Block - DnD 5e - AideDD
A harpy combines the body, legs, and wings of a vulture with the torso, arms, and head of a human female. Its sweet song has lured countless adventurers to their deaths.
Harpy, Variant (5e Race) - D&D Wiki
Nov 5, 2023 · Harpies emit amazing pitched cries to scare and stun enemies. As an action, you emit a horrifying and shrill cry. All creatures within 60 feet of you that can hear and are not …
harpies - Search - D&D Beyond
Harpies Cruel, corpse-eating creatures, harpies endlessly seek their next meal, careless of whether it comes from the living or the dead. With equal zeal, these vicious scavengers set …