Prime meridian (Greenwich) - Wikipedia
The Greenwich meridian is a prime meridian, a geographical reference line that passes through the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, in London, England. [1] From 1884 to 1974, the Greenwich …
What is the Prime Meridian - and why is it in Greenwich?
The Prime Meridian in Greenwich is marked by a metal line fixed into the Royal Observatory courtyard, and at night by a laser beam. The beam originates from a point above the Airy …
Greenwich meridian | Definition, History, Location, Map, & Facts ...
Greenwich meridian, an imaginary line, last established in 1851, used to indicate zero degrees longitude. It passes through Greenwich, London, and ends at the North and South poles. …
Greenwich Meridian (Prime Meridian) - GIS Geography
The 0-degree line of longitude that passes through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England is the Greenwich Meridian. It’s also called the Prime Meridian . This line is the starting point for …
The Meridian Line - The Royal Parks
The meridian line in Greenwich represents the Prime Meridian of the world, Longitude Zero (0° 0' 0"). Every place on the Earth is measured in terms of its angle east or west from this line. …
Prime meridian - Wikipedia
In October 1884 the Greenwich Meridian was selected by delegates (forty-one delegates representing twenty-five nations) to the International Meridian Conference held in Washington, …
Visit Greenwich: where time begins | Prime Meridian & GMT …
Home to the Royal Observatory and the historic Prime Meridian line, Greenwich blends scientific history, maritime heritage and world-class museums. Visit the place that gave Greenwich …
Greenwich line - Wikipedia
The Greenwich line is a short railway line in South London that follows part of the route of the London and Greenwich Railway, which was the first railway line in London. The line diverges …
History of the Greenwich line | Greenwich Line Users' Group
Maze Hill station was opened in January 1873, when the line was opened from there to the North Kent line at Charlton, but it was not until February 1878 that Greenwich and Maze Hill were …
Visit the Greenwich Meridian Line, London – Mean Time in the City
You’ve likely ventured to Greenwich just for the Prime Meridian Line. Yet there’s so much more. The historic town centre, royal lineage and scientific and naval institutions comprise the …