GitLab CI: avoid duplication of skip-ci for each job
Feb 1, 2021 · In case you are not relying exactly on skip-ci, Gitlab already includes logic for this: When a commit message contains [skip ci] or [ci skip], the pipeline is skipped, according to the …
Gitlab-CI: pass variable to a trigger stage? - Stack Overflow
May 12, 2021 · There is a feature since long ago in gitlab for this, while the accepted answer will work and was the solution to this, since this feature it is much more convinient to achieve this.
Gitlab-CI: conditional allow_failure - Stack Overflow
However, if I have real errors, this will also be shown as a warning in CI, and will not stop the pipeline because of the allow_failure=True. I could not find a way to allow_failure=True …
Gitlab CI and .NET Core - Can't get nuget cache with 2 stage build
The Gitlab CI is putting the .nuget folder under the ~/ (home) directory of the user. However, when you start your CI, the folder you start with is not the ~/ folder and don't find the .nuget . In order …
Conditional variables in gitlab-ci.yml - Stack Overflow
Aug 13, 2019 · Unfortunatelly YAML-anchors or GitLab-CI's extends don't seem to allow to combine things in script array of commands as of today. I use built-in variable …
Gitlab CI/CD create and use custom user functions
May 27, 2021 · This GitLab CI configuration is invalid: jobs:deploy-to-dev:script config should be a string or a nested ...
gitlab ci cannot build windows container - Stack Overflow
Today, we are happy to announce that Windows Shared Runners hosted by GitLab is available in beta. As we are starting to roll out this important service to our community, we invite you to …
How to use pre-commit to automatically correct commits and …
We can help alleviate this problem by applying pre-commit to our CI process. A fantastic CI service, pre-commit.ci exists for this purpose. If you use GitHub, this is a great option. …
GitLab pull submodules inside CI - Stack Overflow
Feb 18, 2018 · I have a GitLab project that utilises GitLab CI. The project also uses submodules, both the project and it's submodules are under the same GitLab account. Here is my …
Gitlab CI: Set dynamic variables - Stack Overflow
May 23, 2017 · There might be in gitlab, but I doubt strongly that there is in the way you expect. To formalize your expectation, you assume that any key (from the same mapping) preceded …