Welcome to FNaFLore.com! - FNaFLore.com
This site is not affiliated with Scott Cawthon. It is a fan site, that is attempting to find out the lore. We at FNaFLore.com hope you enjoy your experience on this site, as well as all of the resources we've compiled. If you spot any issues with our timeline, please send us an email via our Corrections page!
Chronological Timeline - FNaFLore.com
Technical Timeline The five base assumptions of FNaF Lore There is a reality-based answer for the FNaF lore. FnaF4 is the only FNaF game that is a dream. The minigames in each FnaF game cannot tell the future. They can only tell you about the …
The lore of UCN - FNaFLore.com
Relating FNAF 3 to UCN is a bit more difficult; the phantoms are a product from the FNAF 3 player’s mind (not quite like the Nightmares because SL implies that the Nightmares are physical to some extend), then he is the only one who knows about how they look exactly, lastly (and admittedly quite the stretch) the sound used for the breathing ...
One Night at Flumpty’s - FNaFLore.com
One Night at Flumpty’s had a not-insignificant amount of lore, most of which was explained in the final development post for the game. It may be too little lore to justify, but it’s more than justified by the quality of the game. I would like to take a moment to encourage users to support Jonochrome in his decisions about Flumpty.
What is in the FNaF 4 BOX? - FNaFLore.com
What is in the FNaF 4 box at the end of Night 7? This question has been plaguing FNaF theorists and I believe the key to understanding the lore of FNaF. Since Scott will likely never open the box, I have decided that I will look at the clues given to us, and put the pieces together, figuring out what everyone missed with FNaF 4. What we got right
Resources - FNaFLore.com
We have compiled a list of resources and interactive tidbits that should help solve the lore. Feel free to use these resources for your own ends! Characters Maps Children's Pictures Profiles for all characters in the game Several maps of the minigames, in a visual form. I feel these pictures tell stories of their own.
The Problem With Sister Location and Lore - FNaFLore.com
FNaF, at it’s core, is a mystery game. Aside from the horror elements there is a constant underlying story told through a mix of both subtle hints as well as some given facts. The first four games pull this off greatly with a good balance of both given lore as well as hidden lore.
Site FAQ - FNaFLore.com
This site a fan-made attempt to solve the FNaF lore through community involvement and rock-solid reasoning for each and every point. Here is how we hope this will work. While building this timeline, we hope to get community input that correct “mistakes” or pinpoint events on the current timeline, with the backing of solid verifiable evidence.
Audio Transcripts - FNaFLore.com
There is a notable "Phone call" in FnaF 4, which is played as random ambience.However, this call is actually a copy of FNaF1's night 1 phone call, reversed and garbled. Therefore, it is not listed. This site is currently undergoing a massive backend rework.
Timelines - FNaFLore.com
Due to the nature of the lore, I've employed multiple timelines. These timelines can be seen below, and each hold a very specific purpose. Chronological Timeline This timeline is focused entirely on the chronological order of events. This is the "Main Timeline" that this site holds. Technical Timeline This timeline is based purely on the