Ethbaal - Encyclopedia of The Bible - Bible Gateway
ETHBAAL ĕth’ bāl (אֶתְבַּ֨עַל׃֙, LXX Ιεθεβααλ, with Baal or man of Baal). The king of the Sidonians whose daughter Jezebel was the wife of King Ahab of Israel. Apart from the one statement about Ethbaal in 1 Kings 16:31, that which is known of him comes from Josephus.
Ithobaal I - Wikipedia
Ithobaal I[a] is the name of a 9th-century BCE king of Tyre mentioned in the story of Jezebel from the Hebrew Bible, and in a citation by Josephus of a list of the kings of Tyre put together by the Phoenician author Menander of Ephesus (2nd century BCE).
Topical Bible: Ethbaal
Ethbaal, also known as Ithobaal I, was a prominent king of the Sidonians, a Phoenician people, during the 9th century BC. His reign is noted for its significant influence on the political and religious landscape of the ancient Near East, particularly through his daughter Jezebel's marriage to Ahab, king of Israel.
Ethbaal | The amazing name Ethbaal: meaning and etymology
Nov 28, 2014 · An indepth look at the meaning and etymology of the awesome name Ethbaal. We'll discuss the original Hebrew, plus the words and names Ethbaal is related to, plus the occurences of this name in the Bible.
Ethbaal - Encyclopedia.com
According to Menander of Ephesus, the historian of Phoenicia quoted by Josephus, Ethbaal (Ithobalos) was a priest of Astarte (as is attested of later kings of Sidon), who became king by murdering his predecessor, and ruled for 32 years (Jos., Apion, 1:123).
Ethbaal Meaning - Bible Definition and References - Bible Study Tools
Ethbaal (with Baal), king of Sidon and father of Jezebel. ( 1 Kings 16:31) Josephus represents him as a king of the Tyrians as well as of the Sidonians. We may thus identify him with Eithobalus, who, after having assassinated Pheles, usurped the throne of Tyre for thirty-two years. The date of Ethbaals reign may be given as about B.C. 940-908.
Ethbaal | Bible Wiki - Fandom
Ethbaal originally was a priest of Astarte (or Ashtoreth). His being a priest explains why his daughter Jezebel was so zealous in the promotion in Israel of the Phoenician gods. Ethbaal assassinated the king of Tyre named Phelles and took the throne at the age of about 36. Thus he created a new dynasty.
Ethbaal: King of Tyre and His Biblical and Historical Impact
Jul 22, 2024 · Ethbaal, the King of Tyre, is one such figure whose influence permeates history and biblical narratives alike. Revered for his governance and feared for his religious reforms, Ethbaal’s tenure as king was characterized by significant political maneuvers and spiritual shifts.
Ithobaal III - Wikipedia
Ithobaal III (Latin Ithobalus, Hebrew Ethbaal) was recorded by Josephus as the king on the list of kings of Tyre reigning 591/0–573/2 BCE at the time of the first fall of Jerusalem, and therefore the subject of Ezekiel's cherub in Eden. [1]
Ethbaal - Biblical Cyclopedia
Eth'baal (Hebrews Ethba'al, אֶתבִּעִל, with Baal, i.e., enjoying his favor and help; Sept. Ε᾿θβάαλ), a king of Sidon, father of the infamous Jezebel, the wife of Ahab (1Ki 16:31).