Elven Pantheon - Warhammer Wiki
The Elven Pantheon is the family of gods worshipped by all the kindreds of the Elves, including the High Elves of Ulthuan, the Dark Elves of Naggaroth and the Wood Elves of Athel Loren. [4a]
Seldarine - Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
The Seldarine (Elvish for "fellowship of brothers and sisters of the wood") was the elven pantheon of gods that resided on the astral dominion of Arvandor under the leadership of Corellon Larethian.[2]
Elves in Middle-earth - Wikipedia
After a long life in Middle-earth, Elves yearn for the Earthly Paradise of Valinor, and can sail there from the Grey Havens. They feature in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Their history is described in detail in The Silmarillion.
List of Dungeons & Dragons elf deities | WikiLists | Fandom
Elebrin Liothiel is the elven god of orchards, gardens and the harvest. He is depicted as a young male elf dressed in a tunic and breeches in muted shades of gold and a cloak in the color of green spring leaves.
The Seldarine (Gods of the Elves) - World Anvil
May 6, 2018 · The Fair Folk of the Realms worship a pantheon of deities known as the Seldarine, a complex term that can be roughly translated as the fellowship of brothers and sisters of the wood, implying the wide diversity in interests that exists among the gods of the elven pantheon and their desire for cooperation.
Elves | The One Wiki to Rule Them All | Fandom
The Elves were the first and eldest Children of Ilúvatar, considered the fairest and wisest of the earthly race of Arda. They called themselves the Quendi (Quenya: "the Speakers"; singular Quendë), referring to how at their creation, they were the only living things they knew of …
Elves - Norse mythology
Jun 11, 2013 · The elves are luminous beings, “more beautiful than the sun,” whose exalted status is demonstrated by their constantly being linked with the Aesir and Vanir gods in Old Norse and Old English poetry.
Elves – Mythos Anthology
In Norse mythology, elves were considered divine beings who were connected to the gods and the natural world. They are particularly associated with the god Freyr, a Vanir deity linked to fertility and prosperity, who was said to rule over Álfheimr, the realm of the elves.
Elf - Gods and Monsters
Explore the captivating world of elves, from their origins in ancient Germanic folklore to their prominent role in modern fantasy. Delve into Norse mythology’s light and dark elves, medieval perceptions of elf-shot and healing, and their integration into Christian cosmology.
Elven Hierarchy: Understanding the Ranks of Light and Dark Elves
Dec 24, 2024 · In Norse mythology, elves are supernatural entities often associated with fertility, nature, and the spirit world. They are described as agile, beautiful, and possessing extraordinary magical abilities. Elves are categorized mainly into two groups: light elves and dark elves.