Pronunciation: either, neither - WordReference Forums
Nov 5, 2004 · Every dictionary would tell you that the first syllable in the words either and neither can be pronounced either as [-aI-] or as [-I:-]. My questions are: - Is any of them preferred? - …
I didn't either / Neither did I - WordReference Forums
Apr 12, 2006 · Neither can I. I can't, either. Nor can I. They won't hit him. Neither will I. I won't, either. Nor will I. He hasn't eaten his dinner. Neither have I. I haven't either. Nor have I. He …
I don't know either vs. I know neither - WordReference Forums
Mar 26, 2013 · Neither is negative, either is not. So you can write: I don't know either (one) - don't know is negative, either is not. or you can write I know neither (one) - know isn't negative, …
can neither / can't either - WordReference Forums
Jan 3, 2017 · You want: "I can't either." "Neither can I" is also possible. "I can't either" doesn't work.
Either of them have or Either of them has? - WordReference Forums
Oct 31, 2006 · Has either of them got blonde hair? That doesn't prevent the answer being: Yes, both of them. No, neither of them. But "No, neither of them have," would be difficult for me to …
Either and Neither pronunciation - WordReference Forums
Oct 31, 2014 · I think the pronunciation varies not only from person to person but also at least at times on context. I, for example, tend to pronounce the long-I version of either and neither …
either - neither | WordReference Forums
Jul 21, 2011 · Tom didn't either. The children don't want any dessert today and either do their parents Serían correctos: The children don't want any dessert today and neither do their …
either/neither do I - WordReference Forums
Jun 3, 2017 · -Either do I. (Trying to say that I agree with the sentence in bold). I think that in this sense, "either" is not correct if I want to agree, but our grammar teacher said that it is correct, …
Tag Question: Neither...nor, either ...or | WordReference Forums
Apr 19, 2013 · Either and neither are singular. (They are often felt to be somewhat formal in speech.) So it's Either answer A or answer B is correct and Neither John nor Patricia is …
I don't want to talk about <either><neither> X nor Y.
Jul 19, 2018 · 3 I don't want to talk about either cabbages or kings. 4 I want to talk about neither cabbages nor kings. 5 I don't want to talk about neither cabbages, nor kings. double negative, …