DIY Phono Stage Complete - D3a / EF86 Hybrid - Audiokarma …
Oct 14, 2020 · The phono was designed around a triode-strapped D3a as the input tube with triode strapped EF86 as the second gain stage. Both tubes are CCS loaded and LED biased. The output is a AOT1N60 FET buffer with a constant current sink on the source.
As I had no the same tube as Eugen used (6G4P+6N30P) it was decided to make the 1st stage with EF86 from Siemens, and the 2nd stage – with 6N6P (Russian). Of course, lamps voltages and current were changed: 150v/1.4mA for EF86, and 70v/17mA for the 6N6P.
More gain from EF86 RIAA preamp - diyAudio
Nov 2, 2020 · To have more gain in the phono section itself, the working point of the EF86 should be changed to higher amplification. That includes the change of some resistors. Best way is to use a special MC transformer in front of the circuit.
Sharing my Completed Tube MC Phono - D3a / EF86 / FET Hybrid
Oct 30, 2020 · Wanted to share my tube phono stage that I recently finished, along with a vintage turntable overhaul to match. At a high level, it is a balanced input MC phono with Lundahl LL9226XL MC step-up transformers, CCS loaded LED biased triode-strapped D3a first gain stage, all-in-one passive RIAA EQ, CCS loaded LED biased triode-strapped EF86 second ...
Best phono pre-amp tube? | Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
Feb 3, 2010 · You could try a triode connected 5879 or EF86 - the 5879 in triode is unbelievably linear - but it's out of production so the EH86 is likely a better choice. The EH EF86 is a steal! Another issue with phono stages is Miller capacitance - which is (again oversimplified) essentially the gain x the plate to grid and the cathode to plate capacitance.
RIAA Tube Preamplifier EF86/EL84 — Abbasaudio
Nov 7, 2022 · EL84 in triode mode has a gain of about 15, low internal resistance and excellent sound. The preamplifier has a very high overload capacity. Gain is 44db at 1kHz. The maximum amplitude of the output voltage at 1 kHz is about 200V peak-to-peak. Try to find a similar preamp in a high end store! Now about the features of the signature version.
ef86 based preamp - diyAudio
Jan 20, 2013 · The EF86 has no place in a modern line stage, as it has far too much gain. Keep a few as spares (for your phono preamp?) and sell the rest so you can buy more suitable valves.
tube/valve phono preamp (page 2) - Phono Stages & Step Ups
Jan 1, 2021 · By today's standards EF86 in pentode mode is too hissy ("partition noise") for low-level circuits. In triode mode they are known for sweet sound and would be fine for the voltage amplifier 1st stage of a power amp.
Eros 2 Phono Preamplifier Kit - Bottlehead
The Eros is a direct descendant of that top of the line phono/tape preamp, streamlined to be cost effective and easy to assemble without sacrificing sonics. There are a number of changes from the Seduction design. The input stage is now an EF86 pentode rather than a 6DJ8.
RE: EF86 for phono stage? - Paul Joppa - Tube DIY Asylum
Feb 25, 2025 · I have used the EF86, in the first stage of the Bottlehead "Eros" phono stage design. It's been moderately successful. I believe the EF86 has been popular for use with studio microphones for decades.