Michigan State University - GDD Tracker 4.0
Beyond the spring models, there are several models that may be helpful throughout the season including the early season dollar spot DMI timer and the Smith-Kerns dollar spot prediction model. To learn about all the available models, click on the "About" tab at the top of the screen.
Dollar Spot Solutions | GreenCast - Syngenta
Based on the Smith-Kerns model, this tool can help you maximize your dollar spot control by optimizing the timing of applications based on recommended thresholds for dollar spot development. Input your zip code and select a date range below to …
Turf Grass - Dollarspot - Cornell University
Using the models of Mills and Rothwell (1982) and Hall (1984) with slight modifications for compatibility with the available regional weather observations, these maps highlight the risk of dollar spot infection.
News Release Detail - Syngenta US
Nov 27, 2018 · Additionally, superintendents can explore an interactive map that highlights extensive dollar spot trials and includes interviews with well-known turfgrass researchers and dollar spot experts. They can also learn about best practices for resistance management and earn GCSAA education points by watching a dollar spot webinar.
Bullseye’s Playground & Dollar Spot - Target
Explore online and head to your favorite store for a fun hunt. Check out the closest locations & go exploring. More play for less. Shop Bullseye's Playground at Target for affordable finds the …
Customize your dollar spot program for your course
Apr 24, 2023 · Dollar spot (Clarireedia spp.) is a common and widespread disease on golf courses across the country. It can infect many species of turfgrass, especially creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass greens, tees and fairways.
Dollar Spot - Turf - College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Dollar spot is characterized by round, bleached-out or straw-colored spots, ranging from the size of a quarter to the size of a silver dollar. Spots appear as sunken areas in the turf, especially low mown turfgrass (0.5 inches or less).
Walmart Dollar Spot Section: Where to Shop and Top Finds
Jul 8, 2021 · If you love a treasure hunt for budget-friendly goodies, it’s time to add the Walmart Dollar Spot to your shopping routine. Unlike the Target Dollar Spot, Walmart's take on dollar-deal heaven is a bit less hyped but just as exciting — with most items priced between just $1 and $15.
Mastering dollar spot control with effective strategies and
The Smith-Kerns dollar spot model, developed by Dr. Damon Smith and Dr. Jim Kerns, can help predict when outbreaks of dollar spot may occur. The model uses relative humidity and air temperatures to generate a dollar spot risk index based on location.
Spot It & Stop It: Dollar Spot Fungus - Corteva
Learn how to identify and control dollar spot before it takes over. Dollar spot is everything you don’t want in a turf disease. It thrives in a wide range of temperatures (60 to 90 degrees) and throughout much of the year (typically May through October).