dojo/text — The Dojo Toolkit - Reference Guide
dojo/text is an AMD plugin that loads arbitrary string data from a file and returns it. It is the replacement for dojo/cache() from earlier versions of Dojo. Essentially the loader will load a …
dojo/text — The Dojo Toolkit - Reference Guide
dojo/text¶ dojo/text is an AMD plugin that loads string data from a file. It is the replacement for dojo/cache() from earlier versions of dojo.
How to read JSON file with Dojo - Stack Overflow
Mar 15, 2011 · In Dojo 1.8+, to load a JSON file (not as XHR), use dojo/text to load the file, then dojo/json to parse it. Like so: require( [ 'dojo/json', 'dojo/text!/path/to/data.json' ], function( …
This module implements the dojo/text! plugin and the dojo.cache API. We choose to include our own plugin to leverage functionality already contained in dojo and thereby reduce the size of …
"Text" Decoration for Dojo? - Players helping Players - Warframe …
Oct 12, 2018 · Hi, with the Chimera update, the following was posted in the patch notes: "All Display Decorations are now usable in Dojos, as well as a 'Text' Decoration!". I may be …
dojo - How to set template string dynamically? - Stack Overflow
Oct 17, 2016 · You can use OOP or mixin techniques that dojo offers to share functionality between them. A single template can be highly customized with parameters passed to the …
javascript - Dojo: dojo/text & CORS - Stack Overflow
Apr 2, 2015 · The functionality provided by textPluginHeaders was never documented publicly, and as such, was never restored after dojo/text was changed to use dojo/request instead of …
dijit/form/TextBox — The Dojo Toolkit - Reference Guide
dijit/form/TextBox has rudimentary text-scrubbing functions that trim or proper-casify text, but it does not validate the entered text. Like all Dijit controls, TextBox inherits the design theme, so …
DojoTextArea - IBM
The DojoTextField widget defines a text box containing one or more lines of text. This widget is based on the Dojo dijit.form.SimpleTextarea definition.
Dojo Text Generator - aescripts.com
Dojo Text Generator is a must-have tool for motion designers who need to quickly and efficiently generate many text layers automatically. Main Features. Generate text layers based on input …