Daugavpils - Wikipedia
Daugavpils (see also other names) is a state city in southeastern Latvia, located on the banks of the Daugava River, from which the city derives its name. [4] The parts of the city to the north of the river belong to the historical Latvian region of Latgale, and those to the south lie in Selonia.
Daugavpils, Latvia: What to See, Where to Go, What to Know | On …
Daugavpils (pop. 93 000) is Latvia’s second largest city and the main metropolis of Latgale (Eastern Latvia). Uniquely, ethnic Latvians make up only 20% of the population here, making the city seem distant and disloyal to many Latvians. Russian is the lingua franca of Daugavpils.
Apr 11, 2024 · The gates of Daugavpils have three symbolic keys, marked in the coat of arms of the city which was approved in 1925: a river, a fortress and a lily, or, in other words, a road, a house and a prayer.
Daugavpils offers a wide range of recreation and leisure opportunities, visits to the city museums, cultural institutions and natural sites during the summer tourist season. Daugavpils is a dog friendly city, so residents and guests of Daugavpils can …
Daugavpils — Vikipēdija
Daugavpils atrodas valsts dienvidaustrumos pie Daugavas. Pilsēta ir izvietota Austrumlatvijas zemienes dienvidaustrumu malā. Pilsētas lielākā daļa atrodas senās Daugavas gultnē, kas tās teritorijā ir šaura.
Daugavpils ir daudzveidība Daugavpils vārtiem ir trīs simboliskas atslēgas, kas iezīmētas 1925.gadā apstiprinātajā pilsētas ģerbonī: upe, cietoksnis un lilija vai, citiem vārdiem nosaucot, ceļš, māja un lūgšana.
Daugavpils | City of Culture, Historical Sites & Fortress | Britannica
Daugavpils, city, southeastern Latvia. It lies along the Western Dvina (Daugava) River. In the 1270s the Brothers of the Sword, a branch of the Teutonic Knights, founded the fortress of Dünaburg, 12 miles (19 km) above the modern site.
MEET Daugavpils | latvia.travel
MEET Daugavpils Latvia's second most populous city, the birthplace of artist Mark Rothko, and home to Baznīcu kalns (Church Hill) where Lutheran, Catholic, Orthodox and Old Believers' houses of worship coexist in harmony.
Dec 9, 2023 · Daugavpils - multicultural, multi-ethnical and multifunctional city, cross-border centre of services and economic development. The aims which Daugavpils strives to achieve in the future: high quality of life and environment, high level of tolerance;
Daugavpils Travel Guide • Top 10 Must See Sights & Attractions
The Daugavpils travel guide gives you an overview of the sights and activities of the Latvian city. Read about top sights and other sights, and get a tour guide with tour suggestions and detailed descriptions of all the city’s most important churches, monuments, mansions, museums, etc.