star trek - Why were DS9's uniforms different? - Science Fiction ...
Sep 10, 2015 · Apparently that decision was made because the DS9 costumes were much more comfortable for actors to wear than the more cumbersome TNG costumes. If production wanted to more consistent about the depiction of TNG/DS9 uniforms, they would have had GENERATIONS and VOYAGER strictly wear the TNG uniforms while DS9 would keep theirs.
Why didn't Star Trek: The Next Generation change their uniforms …
Feb 28, 2013 · Like in real world it requires resources and organization. Probably single units or fleets change the uniforms within some weeks or the crews are even allowed to wear old uniforms as long as the uniforms are still good. Even replicators requires much energy and resources! DS9 was a new station, therefore new uniforms for all crew members.
What was the in-universe explanation for the differing uniforms in ...
Mar 11, 2017 · DS9 actually hardly does that. The only instance I can think of is that the TNG II uniform was still worn by quite some non-DS9-personnel during the first few seasons (and Sisko even switches "back" to that style while visiting Earth for a while), so rather than assuming that the TNG II uniform was being completely phased out, it looks more like the new DS9 uniform was exclusive to space ...
star trek - Why does Captain Kirk wear green in the DS9 episode …
Dec 11, 2015 · First and second season velour command duty uniforms - also worn by Chekov and Sulu - were more of a antique gold color while some of Kirk's alternate uniforms were green. There are surviving Star Trek velour costumes from the original series in private collections that prove that fact and you can find pics of them around the web.
star trek - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
Aug 8, 2015 · In Star Trek Generations, we see the uniform has changed from the TNG TV Era (image 1) to a uniform more resembling the uniforms worn at first on DS9 (image 2) Starfleet uniforms from the TNG TV Era changed four times: Starfleet uniform Type A (2353-2367/2370) (TNG TV Era) Starfleet uniform Type B (2366 - end of the decade) (TNG TV Era)
When did the red shirt careers change to yellow shirts in Star Trek …
Jul 1, 2011 · In The Motion Picture, the security guards wore white uniforms with brown helmets and breastplates and engineers worse white spacesuits with black collars. In The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Roddenberry explained that the uniforms were redesigned because the original bright colours would distract viewers on the large screen ...
Replicated Uniforms - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
Jun 6, 2015 · Sure, but it not like you cant go 'Computer establish a uplink with the federation central replicator database, and access files on uniforms, fit for Dr Julian Bashir, ds9, and compile for cardassain replicators. done, just like any other machine language being complied into something that a device can understand. –
Meaning of uniform color in Star Trek Voyager
May 20, 2015 · The uniforms typically seen in Star Trek: Voyager are the Standard Duty Uniform style that was introduced in 2369 - nearly two years before Voyager found itself stranded in the Delta Quadrant. As with other TNG-era uniforms, there are three division colors used on the uniforms: Red/Maroon - this denotes the COMMAND division. Examples are anyone ...
star trek - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
Jun 27, 2018 · In DS9 episode "Tears of the Prophets" (S06:E26), Sisko is holding a conference where he attempts to convince the Romulans to help invade Cardassia. In the background is a guy in a TNG-style Starfleet uniform with no pips on his collar.
Why is there no Borg threat in the DS9 series?
Jan 6, 2016 · Bajor, and therefore DS9, is on the opposite end of Federation space near the edge of the galaxy and is the farthest region of the galaxy from the Borg. The Borg have to get somewhere before they can build a transwarp conduit, so they really have no means of getting to DS9 without traveling the entire breadth of Federation space.