Cyathea - Wikipedia
Cyathea is a genus of tree ferns, the type genus of the fern order Cyatheales. The genus name Cyathea is derived from the Greek kyatheion, meaning "little cup", and refers to the cup-shaped sori on the underside of the fronds.
How to Grow and Care for Australian Tree Fern - The Spruce
Aug 7, 2024 · Characterized by lacy, feathery fronds and a scale-covered trunk, the evergreen Australian tree fern can bring an exotic touch to any garden. It's best planted in the early spring and prefers warm temperatures and partial shade year-round. Some species of Cyathea are the tallest tree ferns.
How to Grow & Care for Australian Tree Ferns: Complete Guide
Jun 12, 2023 · Discover how to grow and care for the majestic Australian Tree Fern (Cyathea cooperi) in your garden. Learn about its ideal planting conditions, maintenance practices, and key characteristics to transform your outdoor space into a tropical haven.
Tree Fern - San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants
Cyathea is the largest group of tree ferns, with more than 500 species, and it also includes the world’s tallest tree ferns. These tree ferns tend to be faster growing than other types and are usually found in warm, tropical climates.
Cyathea cooperi (Australian Tree Fern) - Gardenia
Fast-growing, award-winning Cyathea cooperi (Australian Tree Fern) is an evergreen tree fern with a very attractive terminal rosette of gracefully arching, lacy, emerald-green fronds, up to 13 ft. long (4 m).
Cyathea ( Cyathea ) - Professional Gardening Tips - Backyard Gardener
Sep 21, 2016 · There are over 600 species of tree ferns in this genus. Beleive it or not, some of these ferns can reach heights in excess of 70 feet. The trunks are fiberouse and rough and pinate fronds are upward reaching. Grow in a garden as an accent – especially nice around a fountain or pool. Shade is essential. Water well and fertilize monthly.
How to Grow Cyathea – Australian Tree Fern - Harvest to Table
Cyathea is a genus of more than 600 species of evergreen tree ferns, mainly from mountain ranges in tropical and subtropical regions of the Southern Hemisphere. Light outdoors: Grow Cyathea in dappled or partial shade. Soil outdoors: Plant Cyathea in humus-rich, moist soil.
Cyatheaceae - Wikipedia
Cyatheaceae are leptosporangiate ferns, the most familiar group of monilophytes. [3] The Cyatheaceae usually have a single, erect or creeping rhizome (stem). Their fronds (leaves) are also very large, although not as large as the tree ferns of the Marattiaceae.
Oxford University Plants 400: Cyathea species - University of Oxford
There are more than 600 Cyathea species, a genus of evergreen tree ferns found throughout the tropics. They look like single-stemmed palms, with a crown of graceful fronds (up to six metres long) at the top of a trunk, which can be over 20 metres high.
Sphaeropteris cooperi - Wikipedia
Sphaeropteris cooperi, synonym Cyathea cooperi, [2] also known as lacy tree fern, scaly tree fern, or Cooper's tree fern, is a tree fern native to Australia, in New South Wales and Queensland.