Provider - Cohere Health
Cohere Health offers a platform that simplifies the pre-authorization process for healthcare providers.
Cohere Connect™ | Cohere Health®
Cohere Connect enables health plans to comply with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Interoperability and Prior Authorization Final Rule (CMS-0057-F). Six million …
Provider Resources - Cohere Health
Click here for resources, training webinars, user guides, fax forms, and clinical guidelines for providers utilizing Cohere's platform.
Transforming UM in Healthcare | Cohere Health®
Cohere Health is transforming utilization management and prior authorization from an inefficient burden into a strategic asset. NEW! Comply with CMS-0057-F with Cohere Connect™.
Our Story - Cohere Health
Cohere (verb): To hold together firmly; to become united in principles. That’s why we’re committed to making prior authorization an ally, not an obstacle.
Register | Cohere Health
Registration for Providers Welcome to pre-authorization made easy In less than 10-minutes, you can complete the registration process and start using the Cohere portal to submit your …
Cohere Health simplifies healthcare by enabling patients, physicians, and health plans to collaborate on getting the right care, at the right time, at the right place, and at the right cost. …
Cohere & Humana prior authorization expansion
Cohere Health and Humana expand prior authorization partnership to include diagnostic imaging and sleep services. New solutions elevate and expedite patient care with upstream moments …
Cohere Complete™ Outsourced Utilization Management - Cohere …
Cohere Complete™ cuts through the maze. Cohere’s digital-first approach uses interoperability and intelligence to understand the longitudinal patient journey and recommend patient cohort …
Breaking Down the Prior Authorization Process | Cohere Health
How Cohere Health is breaking down the prior authorization process and improving for patients, providers, and health plans.
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