Manage the language and keyboard/input layout settings in …
Learn how to change Windows display language and keyboard/input layout settings. These settings affect the language displayed in Windows, in apps, and at websites.
Microsoft Simplified Chinese IME
This article helps with using Microsoft Simplified Chinese Input Method Editor (IME) for both Microsoft Punyin and Microsoft Wubi including IME settings, features, and keyboard shortcuts.
Check or change language settings - Microsoft Support
Open Microsoft Edge settings to change the browser's display and editor language. Select then Settings . Select Languages
Microsoft Traditional Chinese IME
This article helps with using Microsoft Traditional Chinese Input Method Editor (IME) for Microsoft Bopomofo, Microsoft Changjie, and Microsoft Quick including IME settings, features, and …
Switch between languages using the Language bar - Microsoft …
Want to switch between languages with a Latin alphabet, such as English, Spanish, or French, and a language with a non-Latin alphabet, such as Arabic or Chinese. Want to switch between …
Change the language Office uses in its menus and proofing tools
There are three areas in Microsoft Office where you may want to change the language. Editing or Authoring is the language in which you write and edit your content. You may need to install an …
Use Microsoft Edge in another language - Microsoft Support
To change the language: Go to Settings and more > Settings . Select Languages from the Settings list. To add a language to the list of Preferred languages, select Add languages. Once …
Microsoft 繁體中文輸入法 - Microsoft 支援服務
IME 提供 IME 工具列,提供快速叫用特定 IME 函數的替代方法。 IME 工具列是舊版 Windows 語言列的取代專案。 若要開啟 IME 工具列,請以滑鼠右鍵按兩下任務列系統匣區域中的 IME 選 …
Windows 7 language packs are available for computers that are …
When you install a language pack, you can change the interface language of Windows 7 to the language that you select. Language packs also let multiple users who share a computer select …
Office displays in English instead of Chinese or Serbian
Office apps display in English instead of the selected Windows language for Chinese and Serbian.