Negative regulation of chemokine receptor CXCR4 by tumor suppressor p53 ...
May 17, 2007 · Mutation of the tumor suppressor gene p53 in breast cancer is associated with metastasis and aggressive clinical phenotype. In this report, we demonstrate that wild type but not the dominant-negative mutant (V143A) or cancer-specific mutants (R175H or R280K) of p53 repress CXCR4 expression.
Combining p53 mRNA nanotherapy with immune checkpoint …
Feb 9, 2022 · Using p53 -null orthotopic and ectopic models of murine HCC, we find that combining CXCR4-targeted p53 mRNA nanoparticles with anti-PD-1 therapy effectively induces global reprogramming of...
Combining p53 mRNA nanotherapy with immune checkpoint …
Feb 9, 2022 · As p53 loss of function may play a role in immunosuppression, we herein examine the effects of restoring p53 expression on the immune TME and ICB efficacy. We develop and optimize a CXCR4-targeted mRNA nanoparticle platform to …
Silencing of CXCR4 sensitizes triple-negative breast cancer cells to ...
We found that CXCR4 silencing significantly inhibited cell growth, decreased colony formation, and enhanced cisplatin sensitivity while overexpression of CXCR4 rendered cells more resistant to cisplatin.
The Chemokine Receptor CXCR4 in Cell Proliferation and Tissue ...
The CXCR4 receptor upon binding its ligands triggers multiple signaling pathways that orchestrate cell migration, hematopoiesis and cell homing, and retention in the bone marrow. However, CXCR4 also directly controls cell proliferation of ...
Negative regulation of chemokine receptor CXCR4 by tumor suppressor p53 ...
Nov 27, 2006 · Mutation of the tumor suppressor gene p53 in breast cancer is associated with metastasis and aggressive clinical phenotype. In this report, we demonstrate that wild type but not the...
CXCR4 in human osteosarcoma malignant progression. The ... - PubMed
May 8, 2019 · The role of p53 in apoptotic response to CXCR4 inhibitors was confirmed by p53 silencing in U2OS cell line. Our data suggest that the response to anti-CXCR4 agents could be influenced by the genetic background and labeling profile which induces a different cross-talk between tumour cells and environment.
The Role of the CXCL12/CXCR4/CXCR7 Chemokine Axis in Cancer
Treatment with p53 rescue drugs (PRIMA-1, CP- 31398) in p53 mutant cells can restore the suppression of CXCR4 transcription in cells with mutant p53. Loss of functional p53 is commonly observed in many cancer cell lines, which is one of the …
Sequential genetic change at the TP53 and chemokine receptor CXCR4 …
Nov 11, 2012 · Our data suggest that mutations in TP53 and amplification of the CXCR4 gene locus may be early events in the development of HGSOC, and associated with chromosomal instability. Keywords: CXCR4, CXCL12, malignant transformation, high …
Regulation of neuronal P53 activity by CXCR4 - PMC
We found that gp120 stimulates p53 activity and induces expression of the p53 pro-apoptotic target Apaf-1 in cultured neurons. Inhibition of CXCR4 by AMD3100 abrogates the effect of gp120 on both p53 and Apaf-1. Moreover, gp120 neurotoxicity is …