Burning (2018) Analysis - Why I Feel Most Discussions Miss the Point
Aug 2, 2022 · Burning is one of my favourite films. I watched it again the other day and have become obsessed with the film again, trying to find meaning in a movie that seems to evade …
Help me understand Burning (Korean movie) [MAJOR SPOILER]
Jan 2, 2019 · Back to Burning, the movie seems to get tons of positive reviews among critics so I took a shot today. The first half was slow and typical love triangle movie. The second half …
Burning (2018) My Theory/Analysis : r/TrueFilm - Reddit
Jun 16, 2019 · Burning quickly became one of my favorite films just because of how quaint the pacing and story are but how thematically deep and rich the film still manages to be. I …
Burning (2018): is the film too long? : r/TrueFilm - Reddit
Aug 23, 2020 · Park Chan-wook's Handmaiden was one, and Lee Chang-dong's Burning was another. Burning features Yoo Ah-in as Lee Jong-su, a graduate of creative writing whose …
rewatched lee chang-dong’s Burning (2018) last night. what
Oct 16, 2022 · Couldn't be more different. Murakami's work is varies greatly from story to story, especially between his short stories and novels (like Burning/DMC and 1Q84). Burning and …
Burning (2018) - A Masterpiece : r/TrueFilm - Reddit
Jan 4, 2019 · Burning (2018). A film about the anatomy of a murder. Take the anxiety of youth ascending into adulthood, the frustration of unemployment, the emptiness of a broken home, a …
Is Burning (2018) really that ambiguous? : r/TrueFilm - Reddit
Jun 13, 2022 · Burning is another exploration of this idea, but with much more of a psychological bent, showing that subjective experience is all there really is, and that the sets of "objective …
Ending of "Burning" (2018) - Question : r/movies - Reddit
Nov 16, 2019 · Later, Ben tells Jong-Su that the first time he ever felt jealousy was when Hae-Mi told him that she felt that Jong-Su was "someone special." Ben asks Jong-Su who his favorite …
Help me dissect Burning (2018)? [HEAVY SPOILERS] - Reddit
Jul 6, 2018 · The idea of "burning" was featured in various ways throughout the film - the sun, Jongsu's and his father's rage, and also the burning desire/passion between Jongsu and …
What is Burning (2018) all about? : r/movies - Reddit
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