A bristleworm (Spiophanes bombyx) - MarLIN - The Marine Life ...
Spiophanes bombyx is a small, slender bristleworm (5-6 cm long by 0.15 cm wide). Its body is divided into approximately 180 chaetae bearing segments (chaetigers). Chaetigers 5-15 have tufts of long, silky threads laterally along them. Spiophanes bombyx has two long frontal horns on the prostomium and a stout rearward pointing horn. Its palps ...
Molecular analysis of Spiophanes bombyx complex (Annelida: …
Jul 1, 2020 · Spiophanes bombyx (Claparède, 1870) from the Gulf of Naples, Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy, was the first described Spiophanes with fronto-lateral horns on the prostomium. It was also considered the only horned species occurring in European waters.
Serine proteinase (SP) and serine protease inhibitor (serpin) gene ...
Dec 1, 2016 · The silkworm Bombyx mori has been shown to possess silkworm-specific SP and SPH genes systematically identified in the genome of the silkworm. Many silkworm-specific SP and SPH genes exhibit transcriptional activity in one tissue or organ at least according to a stringent criterion for the definition of expressed genes ( Zhao et al., 2010 ).
Bombyx mori - Wikipedia
Bombyx mori, commonly known as the domestic silk moth, is a moth species belonging to the family Bombycidae. It is the closest relative of Bombyx mandarina, the wild silk moth. Silkworms are the larvae of silk moths. The silkworm is of particular economic value, being a …
BIOTIC Species Information for Spiophanes bombyx - marlin.ac.uk
Spiophanes bombyx is regarded as a typical 'r' selecting species with a short life span, high dispersal potential and high reproductive rate (Kröncke, 1990; Niermann et al., 1990). It is often found at the early successional stages of variable, unstable habitats that it is quick to colonize following perturbation (Pearson & Rosenberg, 1978).
NCBI taxon: species Bombyx sp. NIBGE MOT-02863
Scientific name: Bombyx sp. NIBGE MOT-02863 Taxonomy ID: 1974929 Parent: unclassified Bombyx
Bombyx prothoracicostatic peptides activate the sex peptide ... - PNAS
Jan 19, 2010 · The authors reported that the Bombyx SPR (Bombyx ortholog of SPR) can respond to Drosophila SP, although the Bombyx counterpart of Drosophila SP has not been found in the Bombyx genome . Hence, the endogenous ligand for Bombyx SPR remains to be identified.
ABSTRACT. In this paper, we describe Bombyx pseudohuttoni sp.n., a new species from Laos and Viet-nam. This species is closely related to Bombyx incom-posita (van Eecke, 1929) (Sundaland) and Bombyx hut-toni Westwood, 1847. The latter species was described from India, and its distribution is probably limited by
Bombyx sp. - SABIIS
This classification record has no IUCN conservation status. Species Details Synonyms -
Structure of the gene for the arylphorin-type storage protein SP 2 …
Jul 5, 1989 · Two forms of storage proteins termed "SP 1" and "SP 2", respectively, accumulate in a stage-dependent fashion in the larval hemolymph of the silkworm Bombyx mori. We have cloned and analyzed the genomic sequence encoding SP 2, an arylphorin-type storage protein.