Bohrok Swarms Promo CD - BIONICLEsector01
The Bohrok Swarms Promo CD. Bohrok Swarms Promo CD is a CD which includes storyline information, games, extras and collectibles checklists.
Promo CDs - BioMedia Project
BIONICLE/BIONICLE Promotion CD; BIONICLE Nestle; PowerPack; Interactive Demo CD; 2002. Bohrok Swarm/Toa Nuva; 2003. Bohrok-Kal; Rahkshi; Mask of Light - The Movie; E3 Press …
Promo CDs New and Old - BioMedia Project
Thanks to the work of Illuminatus from BZPower, who has tracked down a copy of every known promo CD and shared a copy with us, the following CDs have been added to the archive. New …
CDs - BIONICLEsector01
Jan 20, 2022 · The next several waves of sets continued the trend started with the Toa Mata, seeing CDs packaged with the Bohrok, Toa Nuva, Bohrok-Kal, and Rahkshi sets. These too …
2002 Bohrok Swarm Promo CD: Intro - YouTube
Jun 20, 2020 · Intro video, from the Bohrok Swarm promo CD-----Download this and more at http:/...
The Complete Collection of Promo CDs - BZPower
May 22, 2017 · Speaking of the Toa Nuva CD, is there any difference between it and the Bohrok Swarms CD? I looked at both, but didn't spot any. These are the files that are different:
Bohrok Swarm/Toa Nuva - BioMedia Project
Distributed through promotions in 2002. The two versions are nearly identical, but Toa Nuva adds video bios of… the Toa Nuva.
Promo CDs - Mask of Destiny
BIONICLE Interactive Demo CD. PowerPack. BIONICLE Nestle. BIONICLE / BIONICLE Promotion CD. 2002. Bohrok Swarm / Toa Nuva. 2003. E3 Press Kit. BIONICLE Mask of Light …
Let's play: BIONICLE: Bohrok Swarms Promo CD - YouTube
Oct 5, 2017 · The Bohrok are basically these "tiny" robots that cleans everything on the island of Mata Nui. With this CD, it can describe 6 different Bohroks and Bohrok V...
Bohrok - BIONICLEsector01
Feb 6, 2025 · The Bohrok swarm won't stop - not until all that is known of Mata Nui is gone. Their strength goes beyond their powerful exterior; it is hard to see and well protected. It is the …