Behaalotecha - Wikipedia
Behaalotecha, Behaalotcha, Beha'alotecha, Beha'alotcha, Beha'alothekha, or Behaaloscha (בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ — Hebrew for "when you step up," the 11th word, and the first distinctive word, in the …
Behaalotecha - Parshah - Weekly Torah Portion - Chabad.org
The name of the Parshah, "Behaalotecha," means "When you raise" and it is found in Numbers 8:2. Aaron is commanded to raise light in the lamps of the menorah, and the tribe of Levi is …
Parashat Beha'alotcha - My Jewish Learning
Jun 22, 2024 · Parashat Beha'alotcha illustrates three paths of achieving meaning in life. The impacts of grassroots organizations and the division of power. The closer we are to God, the …
Behaalotecha Torah Reading - Parshah - Chabad.org
מִקְשָׁה - means “batediz” in Old French (“beaten”), related to: “ his knees were beating (נָקְשָׁן) against one another.” 1 It was one block of gold, weighing a talent, which he beat with a …
Behaalotecha in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah - Chabad.org
The name of the Parshah, "Behaalotecha," means "When you raise" and it is found in Numbers 8:2. Aaron is commanded to raise light in the lamps of the menorah, and the tribe of Levi is …
Parshat Behaalotecha: Meaning, Dvar Torah & Summary - Aleph …
Parshat Behaalotecha tells the story of the Israelites finally leaving their encampment at the foot of Mount Sinai and beginning to travel through the desert. They have been situated there, in …
Behaalotecha Parshah Lesson - Family Parshah - Parshah
A Taste of Text—Behaalotecha. Watch (23:12) 10 Comments. Torah Gems - Parsha Behaalotecha. Listen (52:34) 3 Comments. Basic Parsha - Behaalotecha. Listen (94:07) …
Parshah In-Depth - Behaalotecha - api.chabad.org
Behaalotecha in Depth. Kehot Chumash. Behaalotecha Torah Reading. Parshah Study. Parshah Columnists. Videos. Audio Classes. Family Parshah. Haftarah. Current Parshah. Complete …
Parashat Behaalotecha: Lighting the Lamps - Sephardic U
Behaalotecha (בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ), meaning “When you set up” in Hebrew, referring to the instruction to Aaron regarding the lighting of the menorah. Numbers (Bemidbar). Comprises 136 verses. …
Behaalotecha in a Nutshell - Texts & Summaries - Parshah
The name of the Parshah, "Behaalotecha," means "When you raise" and it is found in Numbers 8:2.. Aaron is commanded to raise light in the lamps of the menorah, and the tribe of Levi is …