Bankya - Wikipedia
Bankya (Bulgarian: Банкя [ˈbaŋkʲɐ]) is a small town located on the outskirts of Sofia [1] in western Bulgaria. It is administratively part of Greater Sofia. The district is famous for the mineral …
Банкя – Уикипедия
Ба̀нкя (остаряло: Банки) е известен национален и международен балнеоложки курорт, град и същевременно район на София, София-град, Западна България. Разположен е в …
Bankya | Bulgaria, BG, Bankya
Банкя е град, който притежава неповторимо очарование и атмосфера, породени от щастливата среща на уникален лечебен климат и лековити минерални извори. Небето и …
Централна Минерална Баня - Банкя
The Public Mineral Bath in Bankya The qualities of the mineral water from Bankya have been known for more than a century! Now you have the opportunity to take advantage of them in the …
Public Bath in Bankya (near Sofia) | History, Getting There & More
Oct 27, 2022 · Bankya (or Bankja/Банкя) is a small town located on the outskirts of Sofia. It’s famous for its baths and mineral water springs used for recreational and medicinal purposes …
Destinations - Tourist Regions | Bulgaria Travel
The tranquility of the mountain, the fresh air, and the healing water are the reason for Bankya to acquire the statute of a resort, preferred for relaxation and balneological treatment. Bankya is …
The fresh air and the healing mineral springs make Bankya a prestigious national and international resort and an ecological reserve of Sofia, characterised by greenery and a …
The tranquility of the mountain, the fresh air and the healing water are the reason for Bankya to acquire the statute of a resort, preferred for relaxation and balneological treatment. Bankya is …
Bankya spa resort close to Sofia in Bulgaria
Bankya is formed as a prestigious national and international resort and ecologic reserve of Sofia. There are numerous cosy hotels, mehanas and restaurants in Bankya, where visitors will feel …
Администрация | Bankya
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