The „ultimate“ Baali summary thread - Onyx Path Forums
Keep in mind the Baali clan weakness is not limited to monotheistic symbols and interestingly manifests even in religions that the Baali actually predate, leading to speculation that either, …
Explain to me the Baali. : r/vtm - Reddit
Apr 17, 2022 · Baali TLDR: Either elevate the Sabbat back to a solid, playable Sect, leaving room for 'subversive, rogue antagonists' again. Or, remove the Sabbat as we know it and replace it …
Baali : r/vtm - Reddit
Instead there is an infernal cult included that sounds to me like "yeah, this are Baali, or at least people who stbled over the knowledge of the Baali". There is also the Cult of Shalim, which is …
Baali V5 Reimagining : r/vtm - Reddit
Dec 8, 2021 · The Baali will kill someone’s mother, ignite retirement savings, and asperse the city’s flag. Clan Coterie Merit: •• Hellish hatred Even when the body, the Blood, and the Beast …
Origins of the Baali - Onyx Path Forums
Jun 30, 2016 · Baali and Daimonoin (or Daimoinon, both spellings have been used) first appeared in the first Vampire Storytellers Handbook very early on in the product line, at that point only …
All details about Baali? - Onyx Path Forums
Mar 21, 2020 · Many Baali engage in this activity, and the works of the Molochim can seem the same (and depending on how you look at it, is the same). Road of Sin, Path of Pleasure, Path …
Baali discussion (V20). - Onyx Path Forums
The earlier Baali seemed more like people who worshipped Pazuzu as portrayed in the Exorcist - demonic entities that they originally believed were gods back in Sumeria. Those first Baali just …
Understanding the Baali - Onyx Path Forums
Path of Night's logic and ethical viewpoint is HORRIFIC but it makes a kind of sick, alien sense. If the Baali have a good reason for doing such horrible things (corrupting Carthage, cursing the …
Baali in V5 : r/vtm - Reddit
Sep 5, 2020 · Baali V5 Bane: The Baali have strong ties to infernal creatures and this manifests in their aura. To conceal their aura for a night they need to take Aggravated Willpower damage …
Baali - Clan, Sect, Cult, Bloodline? - Onyx Path Forums
Oct 27, 2019 · * The Baali split on ideaological grounds with Shaitan wishing to bring about the End of EverythingTM, Moloch wishing to keep the Earthbound asleep, and Nergal really just …