British Rail corporate liveries - Wikipedia
A Class 31 diesel locomotive in the standard Rail Blue colour scheme. Eventually, it was decided to standardise on a colour which became known as Rail Blue. Introduced in 1965 and also known as Monastral Blue, the colour was defined by British Rail standards BR28/6001 (Airless spray finish) and BR28/5321 (Brush finish). [2]
History: The Life & Times of Rail Blue | Rail Revisited - Blogger
Oct 2, 2019 · A concept described in period BR literature as “solid blue” for locomotives. No more two-tone, white lining or separate roof colour. Apart from observing compliance with BR’s yellow approach-warning policy, paintwork above the rolling chassis would comprise one dollop of uninterrupted blue.
Introduction of BR Blue - RailUK Forums
Jun 23, 2023 · According to .bloodandcustard.org the official date for the introduction of the blue livery was 1 January 1965. The last maroon coach disappeared in 1974 and Selhurst outshopped its last green unit (2-HAP 6009) in December 1968.
Multiple Units - Backdated TrainSim
This is a reskin of the AP Class 313 into the adapted BR Blue & Grey livery carried by Southern-operated 313201 from December 2017 as a tribute to the 313 being the pioneer class of second-generation electric multiple units.
British Rail Class 303 - Wikipedia
The British Rail Class 303 electric multiple units, also known as "Blue Train" units, were introduced in 1960 for the electrification of the North Clyde and the Cathcart Circle lines in Strathclyde.
British Rail - Express Passenger Blue Locomotives
Nov 1, 2013 · There is a difference between the 1948 experimental liveries and BR standard blue. In 1948 three Black 5's were painted shades of green; GWR, Southern and LNER, with lining only on one side. Shortly afterwards, the official livery trials commenced, meant to …
BR Blue: Scenes from the British Rail Corporate Image Era
The BR blue era is now looked upon with affection as a golden age when the system was operated by an immense variety of locomotives and rolling stock, all now part of history in the same way that the steam-era was viewed when the BR blue era ruled on Britain’s railways.
B. R. Corporate Blue Livery; When? | Model Railway Forum
Feb 4, 2011 · Additional to earlier answers, the first signs of a BR blue livery appeared shortly after nationalisation when several of the former company steam locomotives were experimentally repainted into this livery, but this was short lived.
BR Blue : Scenes from the British Rail Corporate Image Era
The British Rail corporate image and its Rail Blue livery was one of the longest-lived colour schemes carried by the trains of Britain in the forty-eight-year life of the nationalised railway...
BR Liveries | British Rail Wiki | Fandom
BR had many liveries over the years, including the famous BR Blue. Many of these liveries where trile liveries for the BR Corporate livery.