Azo dye - Wikipedia
Azo dyes are organic compounds bearing the functional group R−N=N−R′, in which R and R′ are usually aryl and substituted aryl groups. They are a commercially important family of azo compounds, i.e. compounds containing the C−N=N−C linkage. [1] .
Azo dye | Synthesis, Applications, Dyeing | Britannica
azo dye, any of a large class of synthetic organic dyes that contain nitrogen as the azo group ―N=N― as part of their molecular structures; more than half the commercial dyes belong to this class.
Classifications, properties, recent synthesis and applications of azo dyes
Azo dyes represent the largest production volume of dye chemistry today, and their relative importance may even increase in the future. They play a crucial role in the governance of the dye and printing market. These dyes are synthesized from …
Azo Compounds: Preparation, Types, Properties - Science Info
Jun 9, 2023 · Azo dyes are the most significant category of synthetic colorants and the most prevalent class of dyes in use today. There are different systems of classification for azo dyes. Disperse dyes, such as Disperse Orange, are included in some classes.
Azo Dye - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Azo dyes are the largest group of artificial food dyes, including 70% of the organic dyes generated in the world. Moreover, the commonest azo dyes in the food industry have been considered to be the yellow dyes (sunset yellow and tartrazine) and …
Azo dyes in the food industry: Features, classification, toxicity ...
Aug 1, 2023 · Azo compounds are the category of dyes produced in largest quantities (over 60%) and their importance may rise even further in the future (Cui et al., 2021). Dyes can also be classified as cationic, anionic, or non-ionic. Most anionic and non-ionic dyes contain anthraquinone or azo chromophores.
Azo Dyes: Properties, Uses, and Synthesis | Comprehensive Guide
Feb 27, 2023 · Azo dyes are organic compounds that belong to the functional group (N=N). These are one of the most critical colourants in the textile industry. Azo dyes are also known as ice or magic colours, as they need a shallow temperature. These are used for several purposes, including colouring foods, candies, cosmetics, and beverages.
CHAPTER 3: Azo Dyes and Pigments - Royal Society of Chemistry
Sep 8, 2014 · This chapter contains a discussion of the fundamental structural chemistry of azo colorants, including a description of the types of isomerism that they can exhibit, the principles of their synthesis, and a discussion on the ability of azo dyes to form metal complexes.
Chemistry and Applications of Azo Dyes: A Comprehensive Review
Azo dyes are substances with one or more azo groups (-N=N-) coupled with two mono- or polycyclic aromatic systems in their structure. Unlike most organic compounds, azo dyes possess color; as a result, azo compounds have various usages.
Azo dyes and human health: A review - PubMed
Many azo dyes and their reductively cleaved products as well as chemically related aromatic amines are reported to affect human health, causing allergies and other human maladies.