White or black background for Asian arowana? | Page 2 ...
Jan 14, 2019 · 2.Super red arowana can get burnt dark color if you are using bright lighting in black tank. I dont know about other kind of arowana in black tank though, maybe others can confirm this? If you want to tan your arowana in black tank, pll lighting (mayin 2700k) is best recommended. White: Pros-
arowana wont eat pellets | MonsterFishKeepers.com
Jan 19, 2011 · been straving my 25cm red arowana for nearly 2 weeks now. trying to force her to eat pellets but it doesn't even phase her every time i put them in. The only thing she ever took without issue is meal worms/ king worms. she never touched any sort of shrimps or prawns.
Red Arowana Tanning - MonsterFishKeepers.com
Nov 7, 2021 · Hi,just got a red aro yesterday. He is around 38 cm any advice on when I should start tanning and how long to leave the tanning light on?
Arowana PH level at 8.2.. how bad is that?
Jul 17, 2008 · Arowana come from waters that are slightly acidic. I myself would not keep an silver arowana in a pH of anything higher then 7.0. Changing and balancing the pH can be dangerous a sometimes tricky, so it is best you research this alot and not just dump chemicals in your tank.
Smallest Arowana - MonsterFishKeepers.com
Nov 15, 2015 · Well "arowana" and "smallest" really don't belong in the same sentence. The only aros available for you to own are blacks, silvers and the two austrailian aros. All the prementioned require very large tanks. Blacks and silvers can be housed with many different tankmates, were as the austrialians are more of a individule fish.
Arowana Tanning light - MonsterFishKeepers.com
Nov 25, 2015 · Hi guyz bought a ocean free aquazonic 33 watt tanning light for my Malaysian Golden Arowana...i need to know how long should i keep it on in a day? Search Everywhere Threads This forum This thread
How do you tell if an Arowana biting another Arowana is life ...
Jul 17, 2008 · Hmmm, i have two equally sized silver aros living together in one bare tank. At the beginning i have notice only slight fin damage. Now, they live together peacefully (recently added a non-fancy coloured asian arowana). Both are equally sized at 10" (asian one is 5"). I have heard about two aros fighting but i have never seen myself.
Arowana and Bala Sharks - MonsterFishKeepers.com
Jun 17, 2005 · The arowana eats now Hikari sticks and freeze dried shrimp (after I have removed the exoskeleton). The store where I got it was trying to feed it crickets with no luck, but right now it shows a very hearty appetite. I would like its diet to be principally already prepared food. Masa Rov
Silver arowana breathing with mouth open and closing
Jun 9, 2015 · My silver arowana has been in his new 150 gal for about 2 weeks now and I noticed that it's breathing with its mouth opening and closing? Are my water parameters off, does it have indigestion, am I overfeeidng it, or the water level too high? It used to be in a 60 gal grow out.
How to get an Asian Arowana permit in the US?
Dec 7, 2015 · It's not going to happen, you will not be able to get a permit. I suggest you pursue another type of arowana or perhaps a different species all together. If you see an Asian arowana in a display tank in China town they are not legal fish, the authorities may not go out of their way to hunt them down but they are illegal none the less.