DD Form 1380, JUN 2014 TCCC CARD Blunt. Name Treatments: (X all that apply, and fill in the blank) C: Extremity Junctional Truncal A: B: C: Hemostatic Intact NPA CRIC ET-Tube SGA Needle-D Chest-Tube Chest-Seal Name Volume Route Time Fluid Blood Product MEDS: Splint Dose Route Time Analgesic (e.g., Ketamine, Fentanyl, Morphine)
Jan 19, 2023 · care. TCCC was created to train Soldiers and medical personnel on current best practices for medical treatment from the point of injury to evacuation to Role 3 facil.
TACTICAL COMBAT CASUALTY CARE (TCCC) CARD. NAME (Last, First): LAST 4: DATE (DD-MMM-YY): TIME: UNIT: ALLERGIES: M. echanism of Injury: (X. all that apply) Artillery. Burn Fall. Grenade GSW. IEDLandmine. MVC RPG. Other:I. njury: (Mark injuries with an . X) S. igns & Symptoms: (Fill in the blank) / / / / Time Pulse (Rate & Location) AVPU Blood ...
The TCCC casualty card was endorsed by the Defense Health Board (Wilensky 2009) and adopted as the standard format for documenting prehospital care by the Department of the Army.
- [PDF]
Combat Medicine 101
TCCC CARD Signs & Symptoms: (Fill in the blank Time Pulse (Rate & Location) Blood Pressure Respiratory Rate Pulse ox % 02 Sat A VPU Pain Scale (0-10) DD Form 1380, JUN 2014 BATTLE ROSTER # EVAC: Urgent Priority Treatments: (X all that apply, and fill in the blank) C: TQ- D Extremity Junctional Truncal Routine Type Route Route Time Time
Army TC3 (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What are the three stages of TC3?, What is the first step in Care under Fire?, What are the steps of Care under Fire? and more.
DD1380 - Executive Services Directorate
Jun 1, 2014 · Form Number: DD 1380. Title: Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Card. Edition Date: 06/01/2014. Authority: DHA PI 6040.01; DHA PI 6490.03. For use of this form please contact: The Defense Health Agency (DHA)
(TCCC / TC3) FORWARD Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) has saved hundreds of lives during our nation's conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nearly 90% of combat fatalities occur before the casualty reaches a Medical treatment facility, it is clear that the prehospital phase of care is the focus of efforts to reduce deaths in combat. Very few ...
INSTRUCTIONS: DD Form 1380, Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Card [Formerly: U.S. Field Medical Card] Page 2 of 2 Item Instructions motor vehicle crash/collision (MVC), rocket-propelled grenade (RPG), other (specify)). Mark all that apply. Injury Mark an “X” at the site of the injury(ies) on the body picture. For burn injuries,
DD Form 1380 Tactical Combat Casualty Care (Tccc) Card - TemplateRoller
DD Form 1380, Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Card, is a document used to record basic patient identification information and to outline the problem that needs medical assistance and care provided.
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