Aloe huntleyana | PlantZAfrica - SANBI
Aloe huntleyana is a small creeping aloe species with greyish green leaves ornamented at the base with white spots. It branches to form clusters of up to a metre in diameter.
Aloe huntleyana is distinguished from the other five species by its much branched, shrubby habit – indeed, it is the only shrubby Namibian aloe. In addition, Namibia is home to three...
Aloe huntleyana, a new species from the Baynes Mountains, …
Oct 1, 2012 · It belongs to a group of five closely related species from southern Angola, but immediately distinguished by its leaves which remain persistent along the stems, its horizontally spreading to drooping inflorescence of relatively short subdense racemes, of which the flowers are subsecundly arranged.
Aloe huntleyana - a rare cliff-dwelling Namibian endemic
Jul 10, 2021 · Aloe huntleyana is discussed in terms of its discovery, habitat, distribution, relationships and cultivation. It is currently known from a single collection from northern Namibia.
Aloe huntleyana, a new species from the Baynes Mountains, Namibia
Oct 1, 2012 · Aloe huntleyana is discussed in terms of its discovery, habitat, distribution, relationships and cultivation. It is currently known from a single collection from northern Namibia.
Aloe huntleyana
Aloe huntleyana was discovered in 2004 in the Omavanda area of the Baynes Mountains in northern Namibia and was subsequently named as a new species in 2012. Its discovery and habitat are described along with its flowering in cultivation in the UK.
Aloe huntleyana - Plants of the World Online
It is a succulent subshrub and grows primarily in the desert or dry shrubland biome. Extinction risk predictions for the world's flowering plants to support their conservation (2024). Bachman, S.P., Brown, M.J.M., Leão, T.C.C., Lughadha, E.N., Walker, B.E. https://nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/nph.19592.
Aloe huntleyana, a new species from the Baynes Mountains, …
Oct 31, 2012 · The Kaokoveld (northern Namibia) reveals new plant treasures; new records, species, and the first record of Aloe catengiana. Aloe 45: 56-64. VAN JAARSVELD, E.J. (2010).
Summary: Aloe huntleyanaVan Jaarsv. & Swanepoel is named from the Kaokoveld. It be-longs to a group of five closely related species from southern Angola, but immediately distinguished by its leaves which remain persistent along the stems, its horizontally spreading to drooping in-florescence of relatively short subdense racemes,
Aloe huntleyana - Wikipedia
Aloe huntleyana is 'n aalwyn wat deel van die Asphodelaceae familie is. Die spesie is endemies aan Namibië.