Al fin | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDictionary.com
Translate Al fin. See 2 authoritative translations of Al fin in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
English translation of 'al fin' - Collins Online Dictionary
al fin, por fin (gen) finally; (con más énfasis) at last al fin se ha premiado su esfuerzo her efforts have finally been rewarded tras varios días de marcha, por fin llegamos a la primera aldea after several days’ walk, we finally came to the first village
Understanding "al fin" Idiom: Meaning, Origins & Usage
One such expression is al fin, which can be translated into English as “finally” or “at last.” This phrase has been used for centuries by native speakers of Spanish, but its origins and historical context remain largely unknown. To understand the origins of the idiom al fin, it is important to look at the history of Spain itself. The ...
What does al fin mean in Spanish? - WordHippo
al fin del mundo: to the end of the world: fin noun: end, last, aim, goal, ending: al fin y al cabo adverb: in the end, after all: al preposition: to the, at the: Similar Words. de una vez por todas adverb: once and for all: Ver también. Sinónimo de al fin? Nearby Translations. alfileteros. alfiles. alfilerillos. alfileres.
al fin - Diccionario Inglés-Español WordReference.com
al fin loc adv (finalmente) finally interj : in the end expr ¡Al fin conseguí terminar el libro! Finally, I was able to finish the book!
Fin | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDictionary.com
Translate Fin. See 4 authoritative translations of Fin in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations.
al fin translation in English | Spanish-English dictionary - Reverso
al fin translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'fin de fiesta, fin de semana, correa sin fin, Fina', examples, definition, conjugation
al fin - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
al fin at last; finally Synonyms: finalmente, al la final; in the end; to the last
al fin - Translation into English - examples Spanish - Reverso …
Translations in context of "al fin" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: al fin de cuentas, pero al fin, poner fin al conflicto, fin de reducir al mínimo, fin de aprovechar al máximo
Translation of "al fin" into English - Glosbe Dictionary
Check 'al fin' translations into English. Look through examples of al fin translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
Al fin en inglés | Traductor de español a inglés - inglés.com
Traduce al fin. Mira 2 traducciones acreditadas de al fin en ingles con oraciones de ejemplo y pronunciación de audio.
Al fin / Alfín - Gramáticas
La forma correcta e s " Al fin " separado. La palabra " alfín" no viene recogida en el diccionario y su uso se considera un error ortográfico. Su cede lo mismo con otra s locuci ones a dverbial de significado pare cido por fin (sería incorrecto porfín) o en fin (sería incorrecto enfín).
En fin, al fin, por fin, al final (de) y finalmente
In this post, we will try to clarify the difference between the following expressions that derive from the word “fin”. “Al final (de)”: In the end, at the end, and at the bottom – “Me apunté a las clases, pero al final decidí no asistir”
al fin - English translation – Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "al fin" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations.
Por fin vs. Al fin | Compare Spanish Words - SpanishDictionary.com
"Por fin" is a phrase which is often translated as "finally", and "al fin" is a phrase which is often translated as "at last". Learn more about the difference between "por fin" and "al fin" below.
"al fin" in English - Spanish Dictionary
Meaning and examples for 'al fin' in Spanish-English dictionary. √ 100% FREE. √ Over 1,500,000 translations. √ Fast and Easy to use.
La era Cooper Kupp llega a su fin: Los Rams liberan al veterano ...
2 days ago · “Pero sabíamos que, al fin y al cabo, se trata de ofrecer momentos. Experiencias compartidas. Cosas de las que los padres y sus hijos hablarán y recordarán siempre.
What is the difference between "por fin" and "en fin" and "al fin ...
Sep 3, 2016 · por fin se usa cuando que necesitabas ocurre un poco tarde. "Por fin llegaste", al fin funciona igual, "al fin llegó la pizza". En fin se usa para terminar algo que eTaba contando "En fin, ya no quiero eso"
al fin - Diccionario Inglés-Español WordReference.com
al fin: Spanish: English: al fin y al cabo loc adv (a fin de cuentas) in the end, after all adv : anyway, anyhow adv : at any rate adv : at the end of the day expr : No me importa que Diego me haya abandonado; al fin y al cabo, nuestra relación no tenía futuro. I don't care that Diego has left me; in the end, our relationship didn't have a ...
What is the difference between "por fin" and "al fin ... - HiNative
"Al fin" also means "finally," but it is used to express completion of a task or achievement of a goal. For example: "Al fin encontré las llaves" (I finally found the keys) "Después de tanto trabajo, al fin logré mi objetivo" (After so much work, I finally achieved my goal).