Aeldra - OFFLINE - elitepvpers
Aug 1, 2023 · Servus, suche Aeldra Yang. Orientiere mich an dem günstigsten Preis hier am EPvP-Markt für 10€ PP. Pn't mich Searching for Aeldra Yang: Suche Aeldra gebe Rubinum Kaufe yang auf Aeldra 10/05/2018 - Metin2 Trading - 2 Replies Kann geschlossen werden: Bester Aeldra Yangkurs [Aeldra Yangstore] 07/17/2018 - Metin2 Trading - 6 Replies
Aeldra.to | ZETA - New Server 29.07.2022 | International
Jul 29, 2022 · Wenn man 1x Aeldra angetestet hat/gespielt hat, dann merkt man erst, was man aus Metin machen kann (ohne das Grundprinzip zu verändern). Die ganzen QoLChanges etc sind einfach krank. Habe immer mal wieder (selten) andere Server angetestet und man merkt direkt das irgendwas fehlt an QoL, ist echt krank was Aeldra gemacht hat.
Aeldra kommt nicht mehr Online. - elitepvpers
Jan 17, 2020 · Exclamation Aeldra wird nicht wieder kommen. Guten morgen ihr gamer. Ich bin AintingTV und war ein Promoter von Aeldra metin2. Da ich jz zu 100% antworten habe, melde ich mich hier. Aeldra wurde von der gameforge geschlossen, und es wird auch immer so weiter gehen, denn DE will die spieler zurück gewinnen.
Aeldra.to | ZETA - New Server 29.07.2022 | International
Jul 29, 2022 · Aeldra has a much bigger market with cheaper prices and believe me, you will have a faster progress there. The announced "Daily Events" are just for 4 hours a day and mostly like "10% strong against metinstones" or double boss loot.
Aeldra - God's Plan | International - Page 86 - elitepvpers
Dec 3, 2018 · even to us, the Aeldra team, doesn't pass the holiday season, of course. And like everyone else, we are slowly in Christmas atmosphere and have therefore come up with some special events for you. We look back on an greatful year, and we have experienced a lot, and we want to experience a lot with you next year.
Aeldra - God's Plan | International - Page 93 - elitepvpers
Feb 7, 2019 · § 7. Trading Aeldra stuff (accounts, yang, items, etc.) for real money is not allowed. Trading accounts, items, yang, services etc. for real money or for other currencies, which are not provided by Aeldra itself, is not allowed. Also we don't support trading a …
[WARNING] How private server AELDRA stealing your .cpp files?
Nov 27, 2021 · Hi! in this topic im going to explain you how Aeldra stealing people files from computer (.cpp files) CREDITS: xp123 (big credits, he spotted this in aeldra) Seremo (some help in analyse packets) Aeldra using TheMida protector to prevent from analyse thats why analyse is much harder than standard not virtualized / protected files! 1.
Aeldra.to | ZETA - New Server 29.07.2022 | International
Jul 22, 2022 · Only the playstyle is similar to Aeldra. For example, you don't drop nearly as many switchers, get much more damage from monsters, don't immediately get a Lv. 30 weapon+9 at the beginning, level up much slower, 75 weapons are only available from the demon tower, dungeons in general are even more worth than on aeldra, you can fish and mine etc. etc.
Aeldra - God's Plan | International - elitepvpers
Apr 13, 2018 · Discussion on Aeldra - God's Plan | International within the Metin2 PServer Advertising forum part of the Metin2 Private Server category.
Aeldra - God's Plan | International - Page 99 - elitepvpers
Mar 31, 2019 · As you know, Aeldra will celebrate his first Birthday on 20.04.19 and we would like to share this with you and let the Angel vs Demons Event go through to the second Round. During the time from 15.04.19 until 21.04.19, the Demon Luzifer and …