P!nk is not a man : r/targeted099 - Reddit
Mar 18, 2024 · I have had a prominent Adonis belt. I got it just from regular cycling and maybe pull-ups as well. Pink probably does CrossFit. Women can develop a pronounced Adonis belt just like men. This is not a male exclusive muscle. Everyone has one or can build one. Her personality is also feminine.
An exercises I can do to enhance my adonis belt? : r/Fitness - Reddit
Nope, the "adonis belt" (inguinal ligament) is connective tissue. It might pop out more if you work on abdominal hypertrophy. So basically, do one or two good ab exercises (that rules out crunches and situps), and you'll be all set. That combined with low bodyfat should make it more visible.
[HELP] Photo of Adonis belt + poem? : r/Poetry - Reddit
Dec 2, 2022 · I remember once seeing a photo of a man’s Adonis belt (v lines) and treasure trail with a poem handwritten on the photo, but I can’t for the life of me remember or find the title/poet. Any help identifying it would be appreciated!
how does the "V" form in your midsection? : r/Fitness - Reddit
Jul 21, 2017 · I'm a girl and I have a slight Adonis belt. It's peeked through more as I've lost weight. Honestly it's basically just genetics and low body fat. At first I hated it because it made me feel manly and I always wanted an hourglass waist but I've embraced it now. I do weighted oblique stuff to make it pop.
Adonis belt on women? : r/xxfitness - Reddit
Mar 7, 2018 · What is wrong with your friends? :) It's something that is natural, not everyone gets it, and it is what it is. Here's a pic of me, I don't think I look like a man, but I have a very prominent adonis belt and very little lower ab definition going on even though I have upper ab definition. There's a little poodge there too. It is what it is.
What are some exercises for the adonis's belt? (The V-Shape
Nov 18, 2014 · Technical name is iliac furrow but common name is adonis/apollo belt and it is the V-shape curve on guys. Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.
Adonis Belt - real women don’t have inguinal ligaments.
Look, as a cis woman, I’m just gonna say I don’t find this “Adonis belt“ thing attractive on men; it just looks too weirdly segmented, like their legs are separate from their torsos like on an actual doll. I have always thought so, even though I know I’m supposed to think “ooh; hot”.
I didn't know the "Adonis belt" was even possible for me! I'm
Oct 25, 2020 · Thats a man. Only men get adonis belts. Wait till you find out all the lady boys in Hollywood are actually satanic trannies. The bible said not even an effeminate man will inherit gods kingdom. There is a special place in hell for all trannies, gays and the deception they are doing right now. The bible warned about all of this. They all will burn
What type of muscles do women like? : r/selfimprovement - Reddit
These are difficult muscles to work and require low levels of bf to be properly viewed. This is why aesthetic NATURAL bodybuilders and powerlifters don’t have super well developed Adonis belts. Weighted twisting motions, heavy load carrying etc are the best ways to hit them which is why crossfitters end up with very well developed Adonis belts.
What exercises will develop the Adonis Belt (V-Lines)? - Reddit
Mar 6, 2017 · You can definitely improve your adonis belt size through significantly increasing volume in core related exercises next time you bulk. However the first example looks to be a genetic/ substance outlier, even if you were at the same weight/ strength level I doubt you would have anywhere near the same development.