Adium - Download
Adium is a free instant messaging application for macOS that can connect to XMPP (Jabber), IRC and more.
List of services supported and their interoperability - Adium
This page lists all services which can be used in Adium. Clicking on a service will lead you to a dedicated page with more information on the specific service, e.g. history and censorship. …
Adium - Blog » Adium 1.4 has hatched
Adium 1.4 now requires Mac OS X 10.5.8 or higher. The contact list now supports contacts in multiple groups and instant searching in any configuration. This update also brings a better …
Adium - Blog
In a new record for the longest version number, we have released Adium, available from here. This release includes libpurple 2.12.0 to fix CVE-2017-2640, a heap buffer overflow …
Contact icons - Adium Documentation
When using AIM and XMPP, Adium supports animated contact icons in the form of .gif files. To set an animated contact icon, drag the .gif file from the Finder into the image well in the …
Adium - Blog » Adium 1.5 released
We are very happy to announce the release of Adium 1.5. This release includes user interface improvements, bug fixes and many changes under the hood – a year and a half of …
Setting your status - Adium Documentation
Adium can show you a window that tells you your current status on every account. This window, called the Status window, can be enabled from the Status preferences. The Status Window …
Troubleshooting tips - Adium Documentation
Occasionally, an issue in Adium can be caused by a strange setting for your OS X user, or other installed software (especially system mods and hacks). Temporarily creating a new user (in …
Adium - Blog » Google Talk
A couple of minutes ago we published the second beta for Adium 1.5.11. Aside from fixes to Yahoo! and Twitter, this also includes a revamped authentication mechanism for Google Talk. …
Creating an account - Adium Documentation
To use Adium, you'll need an account on one or more of the IM services that it supports. Before proceeding, you should either have an existing name and password, or you need to sign up for …