My oximeter says 96% BUT... - COPD Foundation
Dec 13, 2014 · I sat down and took a reading on my oximeter. It said my SpO2 was 96% but I was … Search. Join; Login.
Shortness of breath even when my oxygen level is at 94/95
Mar 15, 2023 · ¿Quieres más información? Llame al 866.731.COPD (2673) y presione 9 para hablar en español con un paciente o cuidador.
What are the effects of chronically low O2 sat? - COPD Foundation
Jan 22, 2019 · What Does It Mean If Both CO2 Levels and O2 Levels are low? Co2 buildup; What are the breathing techniques for COPD - Part II - and do they really work? What are the breathing techniques for COPD, and do they really work? When O2 < 88% how long before organ damage occurs? How to get a co2 level down? What should doctor be doing?
Intermittent drops in oxygen saturation to mid 80's - COPD …
Oct 15, 2019 · ¿Quieres más información? Llame al 866.731.COPD (2673) y presione 9 para hablar en español con un paciente o cuidador.
Will Exercise Improve My O2 Saturation? - COPD Foundation
This article was reviewed by Senior Director of Community Engagement and COPD360social Community Manager, Bill Clark, as well as certified staff Respiratory Therapists on January 29, 2020. Dear COPD Coach, I know it is important to have a regular exercise program to improve breathing, and that pulmonary rehabilitation is a great way of exercising. Will my exercising also improve my oxygen ...
o2 saturation level - COPD Foundation
Dec 14, 2023 · Hi i have moderate stage copd and o2 sat sits at around 93, 94, 95 measured with the oximeter. I can easily get it up to 98 with pursed lip …
The Supplemental Oxygen Guide was created by the The Supplemental Oxygen Guide Version 2 updated March 5, 2020 Q&A for Every Supplemental Oxygen User
How a Pulse Oximeter Works - COPD Foundation
Jan 23, 2020 · Dear COPD Coach, My husband has been diagnosed with COPD but has not yet had pulmonary function tests to determine the type/severity. We purchased a pulse oximeter to monitor his 02 levels (he was sent home from the hospital on 4 liters but is now reduced to 2). My question is, do you take the first reading that comes up when the pulse oximeter is put on or do you wait 15 seconds and use that ...
Exacerbations-a few questions with regards to your management …
Dec 9, 2019 · Hi guys, I just have a few questions with regards to your management of exacerbations. 1. recently, my dad's O2 sat dropped from 90 to 85ish at rest …
Copd exasperation. Any idea what might be going on. I've been …
Jun 11, 2022 · Medical Advice. It is not our intention to serve as a substitute for medical advice and any content posted should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.