Bug Amps 3W push-pull 6E5P amp - diyAudio
Feb 20, 2024 · The amp employs a pair of 6E5P in a class A PP design with input transformers. The input txs are vintage JBLs with a number of taps that Doug has used to include switchable gain. For an amp with DC heaters, it's very quiet.
Spud Amplifier with 6E5P Tube - diyAudio
Jun 18, 2014 · I just tried a very simple Amp with the 6E5P tube. I have very efficient speakers, so I can life with around 1,2 Watts. But the sound of this amp is so good, you would not believe. Every detail is very clean and precious. Even the bass have a …
6E6P-E spud amp - how it can sound? - diyAudio
May 17, 2020 · I run my 6E6P/6E5P spuds at 200 to 250V on plate. The tubes are cheap, that said I've not run into problems but I don't have thousands of hours on the amps. It's a good sounding tube as a driver and a good spud as well.
Bugamp 6E5P push pull amp test - YouTube
This is a 3 watt per channel stereo amplifier using Russian 6E5P tubes. Push pull circuit. The circuit was designed by Doug De Young, https://www.youtube.com...
DIY Audio Projects Forum • GM70 Triode Stereo Oddwatt SRPP / …
Mar 10, 2025 · The 6E5P SRPP (according to PSPICE) is just powerful enough (but barely) to drive a GM70 operated at the bias point I chose. One concern I have is the voltage withstand capability of the output transformers if I go with a very high B+.
【SRPP电路】 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered …
Nov 10, 2014 · SRPP电路的英文全称是:Shunt Regulaten Push-Pull (并联调整推挽),或有称: (分流调整式推挽放大器),也有称: (串联调整推挽),还有·#¥%……XXXX 等等。 且不管它是什么名称,仅“推挽”两字就特别,至少是与常见的前置电压放大电路所不同。 下面是借助于LTspice所作的测试分析,先贴上一张6DJ8的SRPP电路原理图 (见图1)。 我们来测试下这个电路的动态情况;当没有负载、即断开输出电容、让负载阻抗为无穷大的状态时,上下管电流相等。 不管上管的 …
6E5P triode-strap - intact audio
Sep 7, 2007 · From my practice: The 6E5P/6E6P is a voltage-type a driver. The best it goes at 170-200V, 20-32mA. If you use it with anode resistor then do not use plate resistor less than 15K. The tube is not very long life, I would say one year with …
纸上谈兵的SRPP电路分析 - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛
Jun 28, 2012 · SRPP电路乍一看是个很神奇的东西,他的中文名字分流调整式推挽放大器也很唬人。 之前我一直没弄懂它的具体工作原理,但致知在格物么,我就格了一晚上SRPP电路,总算是格出些道理了。 SRPP电路如图,用两个三级管搭建而成。 我们假设电路已经调整好工作点,处于直流平衡状态,现在我们来分析交流的情况。 在交流情况下,上面那个三极管及它的周边电路可看作一个电阻,这样,整个电路就和普通的三极管放大电阻一样处理了。 首先,我们用图解法来 …
My 6E5P amps (SPUD) | Page 2 - diyAudio
9W (like 300B) of very pure audio. Lot's of interesting versions of 6e5p amps. What's the chassis of the latest one made from? Not the wood top but the rest. Got any under-chassis pics of it? I'm always interested in construction methods that are atypical. I have some 6e5p tubes that I bought a while back but haven't tried them in anything.
HIFIDIY论坛-有了解6Э5П(6E5P)这只胆的朋友么? - Powered …
6 days ago · 电路大概是srpp或者wcf,电容输出。 从可输出的摆幅上来看是一定能推满的,剩下的估计只有做出来才知道了,期待能发现高性价比的驱动方案