FIFTY (50) • ASL Dictionary - handspeak.com
Signs for FIFTY (50) and some variations in sign language (ASL) in the ASL dictionary app.
Sign for 50 - Signing Savvy
Sign language video of the sign 50
How to Count to 100 in American Sign Language: with Pictures - wikiHow
Mar 5, 2025 · Read through this guide for detailed instructions on ASL counting! Sign the number “0” by curving all fingers in an “O” shape to touch your thumb. Sign 1-5 by facing your palm inward and extending your index (1), index + middle (2), index, middle, and thumb (3), index, middle, ring, and pinky (4), or all fingers (5).
ASL Numbers 1-10 - American Sign Language
When done as casual, isolated signs, numbers "1 through 5" are typically produced palm-back by native Deaf adult signers. For example, if someone asks you how many brothers you have and you have "2" then you would reply by holding up the number 2 with the palm facing backward.
American Sign Language ASL Video Dictionary - fifty
How to sign: being ten more than forty. Similiar / Same: 50. Sign not right? Or know a different sign? Upload your sign now. Watch how to sign 'fifty' in American Sign Language.
"numbers" ASL American Sign Language
American Sign Language: Number Chart Also see: Numbers 1-10 / 11-20 / 21-30 / 31-40 / 100-900 / 1000 and up / Fractions Also see http://asl.bz
"number" ASL American Sign Language
For example, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99 all use a forward and down bounce. Below are some notes on how to do some specific numbers.
50 | ASL Dictionary
Learn how to sign the word '50' in American Sign Language with detailed video guides. Ideal for ASL students and enthusiasts.
ASL Numbers | Sign Language Numbers - Signing Online
Sign Language Numbers. Numbers contains the handshapes and signs used to create numbers in American Sign Language. Rules for ASL numbers: If you are indicating a number alone, then the: Palm faces the body for the numbers 1-5; Palm faces away from the body for the numbers 6-10; Palm faces the body for the numbers 11-15
Free ASL Numbers Chart - American Society for Deaf Children
Jul 31, 2019 · Why are we offering a free ASL numbers chart? Because deaf and hard of hearing children who grow up in a language-rich environment have better outcomes and brighter futures. Whether your child is using American Sign Language or English (or both!) as a primary language, knowing ASL is beneficial.