Info on M1967 M14 magazine pouches - US MILITARIA FORUM
Jan 4, 2009 · The military specification is MIL-C-43765, which shows to be a U.S. Army military specification for a "CASE, SMALL ARMS AMMUNITION, M.1967, (20 ROUND MAG., M.14 RIFLE)" and was cancelled on 31 March 1975. The ones seen on ePay and Schreck Wholesale [who own Charley's Surplus] are very bad repros.
AN-Marked M6 Bayonets - EDGED WEAPONS - U.S. Militaria Forum
Sep 13, 2023 · J & D Tool was located much closer to where M14 development and testing work occurred than was Aerial. M6 designation was issued under the Army Nomenclature System by 1955, so was known. Bayonet underwent testing in 1956, then Army deleted bayonet from rifle requirements in 1957, then Army rescinded bayonet’s deletion in 1958.
Dec 19, 2014 · Although there are several stores selling new GI gear and tactical equipment, the main surplus players in Columbia, SC are the following: Army Navy Surplus . Store1621 Main St, Columbia, SC 29201. Cross Streets: Between Taylor St and Blanding St. Neighborhoods: Downtown Columbia (803) 252-1350. These guys are a landmark business in Columbia.
Rifles - Gun Hub Forums
Oct 25, 2004 · Rifle Forum - Rifle topics and discussion. ... Bolt Action, Mauser Claw, 45-70 Government? M118LR; Jan 9 ...
National Match rifle and pistol Manuals - U.S. Militaria Forum
Dec 2, 2019 · I have the 1963 manual that covers the M1 Garand and M14. I think mine is a reprint that came from the U.S. Government Printing Office. I also have a similar, 1974 publication for pistols used by the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit. …
military m14 with the selector switch welded - US MILITARIA FORUM
Jul 15, 2023 · The M-14 National Match Rifle cannot be fired full automatic. (No explanation given) It has a hooded aperture sight and is glass bedded. The M-14M rifle was intended, as of 1963, for issue to NRA affiliated clubs and for sale through the Director of Civilian Marksmanship. This rifle has been modified by welding the selector shaft and lock to ...
THE M14 BATTLE RIFLE...SAD DEMISE? - U.S. Militaria Forum
Oct 9, 2014 · The M14 remained the standard service rifle for the rest of the Army until 1970. The M21 Sniper Rifle remained in use through the late 1980's or early 1990's. The M14 was a select fire weapon, but at least in the Army the selector switches were removed because the weapon was too inaccurate in fully automatic fire.
Vietnam M14's with Starlight scopes and suppressors
Apr 19, 2013 · Heck a M14 is heavy enough with the weight of the scope and supressor. I took my M1a moose hunting once and after a few hours wished I hadn't. Sure would like a supressor and night scope for mine. I did notice that the men could use a hair cut.
XM21 SNIPER rifle - RIFLES - U.S. Militaria Forum
Dec 3, 2023 · During Vietnam the US issued about 1400 XM21 sniper rifles for use in Vietnam. They were a mod of the M14. In so doing they added a Leatherwood scope and modified the receiver so it fired in semi auto only. These guns are very scarce. There may only be a handful in the US. The M14 was select fire...
Oct 14, 2012 · Also, to use the sight, the rifle would have to be shouldered and fired that way, as opposed to putting the butt on the ground and using the MK I eyeball, which I have heard was the preferred method. I have seen rifle stocks with holes from the grenade mount that the holes were wide and reamed out, indicating that they had been yanked out of ...