Find the Google Play Store app
The Play Store app comes pre-installed on Android devices that support Google Play, and can be downloaded on some Chromebooks. Open the Play Store app On your device, go to the Apps section.
Encontrar la aplicación Google Play Store
Si la aplicación Google Play Store sigue sin aparecer, ponte en contacto con tu operador o el fabricante del dispositivo para recibir ayuda. La aplicación Play Store no se abre o no carga contenido Si Play Store no se abre, no se carga o falla con frecuencia, sigue los pasos que se indican en el artículo Play Store no se abre, no carga o no ...
Descargar aplicaciones Android y contenido digital de Google Play …
Puedes usar los filtros de Play Store para buscar aplicaciones y juegos que sean compatibles con cada uno de tus dispositivos. En tu teléfono: Abre la aplicación Google Play . En la parte superior, busca una aplicación o un contenido concreto. En el menú desplegable, elige un dispositivo asociado a tu cuenta. En tu ordenador: Ve a play ...
Download apps to your Android device - Android Help - Google …
On your device, use the Play Store app . On your computer, go to play.google.com. Find an app you want. To check that the app is reliable, find out what other people say about it. Under the app's title, check the star ratings and the number of downloads. To read individual reviews, scroll to the "Ratings and reviews" section.
Get Android apps & digital content from the Google Play Store
You can use Play store filters to search or browse apps and games that are compatible with each of your devices. On your phone: Open the Google Play app . At the top, search for an app or content. In the dropdown menu, choose a device associated with your account. On your computer: Go to play.google.com. At the top right, click the magnifying ...
Encontrar o app Google Play Store - Ajuda do Google Play
veja se o app está oculto e precisa ser reativado; desligue e ligue seu dispositivo. Em seguida, procure o app; se você usar um Chromebook, confira se cumpriu estas etapas para instalação da Play Store. Se mesmo assim o app não aparecer, entre em contato com sua operadora ou com o fabricante para receber ajuda.
How to enable downloading from outside the Microsoft Store with …
Feb 13, 2023 · You can go to Settings > Apps > Advanced app settings. For "Choose where to get apps", you can choose "Anywhere". If the above option is not available for you, please type winver in the search on the taskbar and hit enter. In the pop up, see if it says S mode.
Download YouTube on windows 10 - Microsoft Community
Oct 19, 2020 · I want to download youtube on my laptop I am running on windows 10. Is there any way to download YouTube on windows 10 for free so please reply.
Google Play Store App öffnen - Google Play-Hilfe
Schalten Sie das Gerät aus und dann wieder ein. Suchen Sie anschließend noch einmal nach der App. Wenn Sie ein Chromebook verwenden, folgen Sie dieser Anleitung zum Installieren der Play Store App. Falls die Google Play Store App immer noch nicht angezeigt wird, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Mobilfunkanbieter oder an den Gerätehersteller.
How to reinstall Microsoft Store app in Windows 11?
Aug 6, 2024 · **Check the Microsoft Store Install Service Press the Windows Key + S and type in services.msc. Find the Microsoft Store Install Service and double click, If the status is Running, right click it then select Restart If disabled, change it to Automatic, click Start and click OK. **Re-register and reinstall the Microsoft Store app