Stormwater - The Water Research Foundation
Jul 23, 2024 · Without the benefit of natural filtration, stormwater flows directly to waterbodies, storm drains, and sewer systems, taking with it any debris, chemicals, bacteria, eroded soil, and other pollutants it picks up along the way.While new technologies and green infrastructure help reduce pollutant levels, many solutions are best equipped to handle ...
Community-Enabled Lifecycle Analysis of Stormwater …
CLASIC is a user-informed screening tool that utilizes a life cycle cost framework to support implementation of stormwater infrastructure, including green, hybrid green-gray, and gray infrastructure practices. The CLASIC tool integrates Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), which enables consideration of co-benefits for green infrastructure.
The International Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Database is a publicly accessible repository for BMP performance monitoring study, design, and cost information. The overall purpose of the project is to provide scientifically sound information to improve the design, selection and performance of BMPs.
stormwater capture and use can add flexibility and diversity to water supply portfolios. Once seen as a nuisance, stormwater is part of a modern -day paradigm shift that recognizes it as an asset. There is an estimated 59.5 million acre -feet per year of stormwater runoff potentially
Environmental Indicators: A Useful Tool for Assessing Stormwater ...
This report describes efforts to assess the effectiveness of stormwater programs through the use of chemical, biological, physical, and programmatic indicators. Investigators applied a set of indicators developed by the Center for Watershed Protection to two different semi-arid cases in order to evaluate the value of indicators. They also sought to test and refine protocols for …
Diversifying Water Portfolios through Stormwater Capture and Use ...
Jan 23, 2025 · Urban Stormwater Capture and Use (SCU) has the potential to add flexibility to water resource portfolios and enhance climate resilience. Nationally, two significant hurdles to implementing SCU are quantifying the amount of stormwater available for use/reuse and characterizing and quantifying the anticipated co-benefits of SCU.
Infiltration vs. Surface Water Discharge: Guidance for Stormwater ...
As stormwater managers seek to protect surface and ground waters from the impacts of polluted urban runoff, it is imperative to select the correct options for the desired goals and to understand the appropriate applications and restrictions of the different methods available for use. The older models often rely upon hand calculations and have many restrictions. Computer methods …
Economic Framework and Tools for Quantifying and Monetizing …
There is a need to better quantify and monetize these benefits through a triple bottom line (TBL) approach. This project provides stormwater managers and practitioners with a rigorous systematic approach for quantifying and monetizing the financial, social, and environmental benefits of GI at the community, watershed, or neighborhood scale.
Sustainable Stormwater Management: Infiltration vs. Surface …
Stormwater managers are increasingly faced with the need to address many potentially conflicting issues as part of their activities, ranging from flood prevention to protection of downstream habitat. This research report is intended to aid in planning for sustainable stormwater management, with a focus on infiltration devices. The report follows the process of stormwater management, from …
stormwater management, reduce nuisance floodi ng, reduce irrigation needs, increase property values, and create long-lasting jobs for the local economy. GSI is an equitable approach for wet weather impacts because it is a tool that can mitigate situations that tend to disproportionately