Daugavpils - Wikipedia
Daugavpils (see also other names) is a state city in southeastern Latvia, located on the banks of the Daugava River, from which the city derives its name. [4] The parts of the city to the north of the river belong to the historical Latvian region of Latgale, and those to the south lie in Selonia.
Daugavpils, Latvia: What to See, Where to Go, What to Know | On …
Daugavpils (pop. 93 000) is Latvia’s second largest city and the main metropolis of Latgale (Eastern Latvia). Uniquely, ethnic Latvians make up only 20% of the population here, making the city seem distant and disloyal to many Latvians. Russian is the lingua franca of Daugavpils.
Apr 11, 2024 · The gates of Daugavpils have three symbolic keys, marked in the coat of arms of the city which was approved in 1925: a river, a fortress and a lily, or, in other words, a road, a house and a prayer.
Daugavpils offers a wide range of recreation and leisure opportunities, visits to the city museums, cultural institutions and natural sites during the summer tourist season. Daugavpils is a dog friendly city, so residents and guests of Daugavpils can …
Daugavpils ir daudzveidība Daugavpils vārtiem ir trīs simboliskas atslēgas, kas iezīmētas 1925.gadā apstiprinātajā pilsētas ģerbonī: upe, cietoksnis un lilija vai, citiem vārdiem nosaucot, ceļš, māja un lūgšana.
Daugavpils — Vikipēdija
Daugavpils atrodas valsts dienvidaustrumos pie Daugavas. Pilsēta ir izvietota Austrumlatvijas zemienes dienvidaustrumu malā. Pilsētas lielākā daļa atrodas senās Daugavas gultnē, kas tās teritorijā ir šaura.
Daugavpils | City of Culture, Historical Sites & Fortress | Britannica
Daugavpils, city, southeastern Latvia. It lies along the Western Dvina (Daugava) River. In the 1270s the Brothers of the Sword, a branch of the Teutonic Knights, founded the fortress of Dünaburg, 12 miles (19 km) above the modern site.
The City - Daugavpils.lv
Jan 1, 2022 · Daugavpils is a city at the historic crossroads of the European Union, known as the Eastern Gateway. It has preserved its heritage as a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional city centre, but has developed as a modern, European city and has become the main industrial, educational and cultural support of Latgale.
Welcome - Daugavpils Travel
Web page is a guide for tourism objects, cafes and restaurants, as well as hotels in Daugavpils and its surroundings.
Daugavpils Travel Guide • Top 10 Must See Sights & Attractions
The Daugavpils travel guide gives you an overview of the sights and activities of the Latvian city. Read about top sights and other sights, and get a tour guide with tour suggestions and detailed descriptions of all the city’s most important churches, monuments, mansions, museums, etc.